Saturday, July 7, 2007

How Do You Say "Shame on You" in Spanish?

Not to beat a dead donkey, but...

This is the stuff of one of those telenovelas that Univision or Telemundo runs on those back cable numbers. You know the kind. There's always so much hand wringing, usually because somebody has slept with somebody else's mate. El fuego. The plots are so enticing that American TV networks are starting to draw upon them for their own fare.

But, apparently, you can write what is going on down at LA City Hall.

Let's start with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who was the great Latino hope for city government here. He smiles a lot. He hugs a lot. He runs to flash bulbs a lot. He has distinguished himself as a great leader? Not a lot. He's essentially one more political fraud who spends most of his time looking to keep his current job or find his next one. But, apparently, that's not how he spends ALL of his time.

He's already a coveted member of the Philandering Hall of Fame. Already, he's got two kids out of wedlock from back when he was shaking hands at some car dealership in El Monte. His wife booted him once, and, then, inexplicably, welcomed him back to the casa. So, last month, he announces another separation and impending divorce from his wife. To assume more hanky panky was afoot is akin to taking a flying leap off of a sidewalk curb. You probably didn't have to go far in City Hall to find out who was the new senorita in his mundo.

It turns out that he's been strumming his guitar outside the window of some Telemundo honey of an anchorwoman. Something something Salinas. I prefer to call her Mary Tyler Chiquita. This has been going for over a year and she's been there all the time, allegedly "covering" him. As a matter of fact, she even reported on his impending divorce on the Telemundo evening news.

Dos stupidos.

When I took journalism classes in college with former WCBS-TV Harry Arouh, the first thing he told us was never to eat any food at any event you are covering. Okay, well, I've seen plenty of sportswriters chowing down in any press box. But, Harry never covered how to approach sex on the job. But, then, again, it was Jesuit-run Fordham University.

Mary Tyler Chiquita is now off the air, thanks to some suddenly logical heads prevailing at Telemundo. If the powers that be knew about what was transpiring between their reporter and Mayor Ratbastard, they need to be shellacked. And forced to take a class with Harry Arouh, if he's still alive.

Meanwhile, let's consider Mayor Villar (since his current name is a combination of his name and his wife's name) and his actions. This very public figure was seen by neighbors in Mary Tyler Chiquita's condo building in Sherman Oaks. He was alone, sans entourage, showing up with a bag of takeout food and a jug of wine. They all knew who he was going to see, as the crackerjack reporter is apparently the only one in the building who is not old or Jewish.

Dos stupidos one more time.

Why would you stick out like the sorest thumb in the world? A burrito sitting in the middle of a Chinese BBQ buffet. And this is all transpiring while he's Mayor. And married.

Are our elected officials allowed to have a private life? Absolutely. But, when said private life displays an incredible lack of intelligence and ethical behavior, you really should not be surprised if people look the other way the next time your name is on the ballot. How you go about your life and how you go about your leadership are not separate entities. They would like you to believe and accept otherwise. Sorry. No can do.

It's actually sad when stereotypes prove to be more real than concocted. And, unfortunately, Mayor V has done nothing to dispel the Mexican male myth. Let's just hope that he ties his desk down to the truck securely when they move him out of City Hall permanently.

On the other hand, Villarsalinas is a lot easier to pronounce.

Dinner last night: Super Dodger Dog at the game.

1 comment:

deetee said...

Thought you might be interested to know that Harry Arouh passed away this morning, May 11th, 2011 at the ripe old age of 87.