Thursday, May 12, 2022

What's All This Fuss About Abortion?


No, no, no, I'm not making light of a serious subject.   It's just that we again have one more sterling example of the extreme bi-polar atmosphere that is the United States of America.

I mean, this is a country so fatally polarized that we cannot get out of our own way.  Everything is completely politicized....from whether baseball should have a designated hitter to just how wet is water.   The entire landscape is divided into two teams that hate each other.  And forget the way it used to be when we would all civilly agree to disagree.   Nope, everything and everybody is an extreme...from wild-eyed leftist to race-hating White supremacist.

Indeed, we have the uber-despicable denizens of the press who fuel all these dumpster fires of ideas.  And last week they got the return of the age-old debate.  The big Kahuna of issues.  Abortion.

So, inexplicably, the Supreme Court of the land, which has become a partisan joke on all its own, had a draft decision leaked that hinted at the overturn of Roe V. Wade from 1973.  Meanwhile, an overturn is long overdue since even crazed Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said the original decision was flimsy.  At the very most, this is an issue for individual states to deal with because that's the way the country was set up originally.   Have a state election and let the votes decide.   If you don't like what your state decides, move to one that does.

Of course, this sparked all sorts of drama.   Forget the fact that we should investigate which Supreme knucklehead let the cat out of the bag.   Nope, this means war on women says one side.   Light the brooms.   Get the tar and feathers ready.   And, oh, just in case you need them, here are the home addresses of the Republican-leaning Justices.  

One side now views the resurrection of this argument as a means to cover up what will be a horrific Election Day for its party.  The other side is again hard-pressed to keep the debate civil.  They argue that, if liberals are so concerned about people being free to deal with their own help, we shouldn't still be wearing masks or be required to show vaccine validation.

Oh, haven't we been there before?

Personally, I think both sides have a viable argument and I always have.   I might be the only person in America who sees it that way.  I'm always going to be of the notion that less and less government, whether it be Federal, state, or city, is better.   To me, abortion should be allowed in the most extreme circumstances.  And that doesn't include the excuse of a broken condom.

At the end of the day, it should be your decision and nobody else's.   If there is a higher power and a moment of judgement for each of us, that's when you can deal with your terminated fetus.  And if God exists and he doesn't really like what you have done...welp...I hope you brought shorts and a tank top for your stay in eternity.

So there.

Dinner last night:  The last of the SPO.

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