Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Morons of the Month - May 2023

Say hello to a member of the First Family.  Hunter Biden, son of Joe and father to at least one illegitimate child.   The photo above is only from a few years ago during one of his lost weekends with a stripper...maybe even the one he procreated with.  We don't really know.  We do know that he is allegedly behind in his child support payments. 

Of course, the photos are from his infamous laptop which was supposedly a device of Russian collusion, even though that theory was debunked two years ago.  He has plenty of money to buy a new one and pay that child support, because he's been doing some money laundering with foreign powers for years.  With portions going to his uncle, his sister-in-law and yes, even his dad.

But the Biden family has been corrupt for years.  I remember my own employer's CEO, back in 1992, had to step down because of some illegal campaign money he had given then-candidate Joe Biden.  Indeed, the Biden family is a crime syndicate that makes what Donald Trump's high crimes look like stealing a Hershey bar from CVS.

The wagons are finally starting to circle on this thanks to some deep dish investigating by Republican members of the House and it's long over due.  Fox has been on this story all along, but, as most people will tell you their news coverage is all a sham and always untrue.

Except, ultimately, it's always proven to be right.  How does that happen?  Well, look at all the news networks.  When Fox has a panel discussion, there's always at least one voice from the left.   Try and find that on the Communist News Network or MS-LSD.  

Indeed, since Hunter and family have gotten away with this shit for years, they are not stupid morons.  Just the opposite.  They are super-intelligent and know how to work the system.

So, just who are the morons in this very merry month of May?

Anyone who read all the paragraphs before this and found the information new to them.  Sadly, there are a lot of people in this country in that leaky boat.  Many of them are my friends.   They're all over Hollywood and New York.  Do you think the four stupid vaginas on the View are aware of any of this?

Whether they are or not, their ignorance is not our bliss.  The sooner we start demanding and getting real facts and news, the better it will be for all of us.

I'd prefer to find less morons in this country, not more.

Dinner last night:  Grilled sausage.

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