Thursday, June 13, 2019

Did You Use A Condom?

Well, I bet that title got your attention.   No, I'm not going to get that revealing here today.  I am simply reviewing a fascinating new Hulu documentary called "Ask Dr. Ruth."   Of course, the subject matter is famed sex therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer.

Today's title is all about the very first time I learned of Dr. Ruth.  It was when she started her WYNY-New York radio show which aired in the bowels of late Sunday nights in the early 80s.  I was young enough to be curious about the racy subject matter of those calling in with their "sex problems."   For some reason, she always asked guys that question.

Did you use a condom?

Of course, this documentary from film maker Ryan White is about a lot more than my hormones.  The life of Dr. Ruth is immensely compelling.  From being a young girl and being shipped from Germany to Switzerland by her parents to avoid the Nazis.  Her move to Israel where her feet were almost blown off during the even-back-then skirmish with Palestine.   To her own sex life and her three husbands and sudden meteoric media fame.   

The cool thing is that the life story is told by Dr. Ruth herself, who is still going strong at 91 and still residing in the same Washington Heights apartment she has inhabited for decades.   She's everyone's favorite grandmother, regardless of whether you are Gentile or Jew.   There is something very warm and appealing about the stories she relates herself.  How could all of these life experiences come from a woman who's just 4 foot-seven?

Once again, it's a documentary that captures my attention, although, frankly, I do believe Dr. Ruth could hold her own against a few Marvel super heroes.   If you simply want to be entertained, check this out on Hulu.   Or in one of the theaters where it has received limited release.   It...and worth your time.

And, oh, by the way...of course I did.

LEN'S RATING:  Three-and-a-half stars.

Dinner last night:  The last of the leftover meat loaf and cucumber salad.

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