Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Moron of the Month - June 2019

You can't make this stuff up.   I wish it wasn't true.  But it is.


The woman above is Saira Rao.  She looks fairly inoffensive.  Apparently has a husband and kids.   Last year, she ran for a US House seat in Colorado and lost.  

I think the experience left her a little bitter.   Last week, she has a social media hissy fit.  It's amazing how people bitch, moan, and groan about nonsense that Trump tweets.  Yet, they can do the exact same thing.  In just one seven-day period, here's what Saira had to say on her Twitter page.  I am not changing a single word.

"The American flag makes me sick."

"White people have done everything to make my life miserable.  Yet I'm not supposed to hate white people."

"White people always pick whiteness."

"Twitter need a BLOCK ALL WHITE SUPREMACISTS button."

"Twitter doesn't make white people racist.  It provides an amazing platform for y'all to show us your asses constantly."

"The only people I truly trust are Black women."

"If you are not actively anti-racist, you are actively racist."

That's just a soupcon of the venom out of this shithead's mind.   Now I hear she has received death threats against her and the family.  That is not cool.   This is America.  Saira is within her rights to voice her opinion.  Freedom of speech and all that.

But, still.   She is seeking out evil in the only way she knows.  Being vile.  When you sleep in a garbage can, don't be surprised if you pick up a fly or two.  

How is she making life better for anybody?  Frankly, one of the greatest days in American history is when she lost that election.  I am actually surprised that the wigged-out people of Colorado had a sober moment amidst all the cannabis and voted against her.  Attitudes like her serve no purpose.

I am sick and tired of being the "white" problem in everyone's lives.   I have friends of all creeds, colors, and nationalities.  I don't judge them, nor do they judge me.  And we all live peaceably together.

But, then again, none of us know anybody with the advanced hatred that Saira Rao demonstrates.

Trust me, this is not a racist country.   Did we not elect not once but twice a man of color to be President?   Indeed, if he had been judged on his credentials, he would not have won.   But the main marketing campaign that Obama offered was that...he was Black.  And America accepted that.

We've got way too many malcontents in this country who love the idea of free speech but use it in nefarious ways.   Oddly enough, there are some countries in this world where, if Saira voiced similar viewpoints, she would be bashed in the head with the butt of a rifle.  

I go back to something that happened in my church right after 9/11.  My pastor, a woman who is as liberal as anyone on the left, decided to bring in a guest speaker to talk about America's involvement in the Mideast.   This clown, a well-to-do Iranian woman,  proceeded to school us on how America was concerned about weapons of mass destruction, but used them to end WWII.


Thank God there was one person in our congregation who held this bitch to task.   He told her that, had America not used nuclear power in 1945, she may not have gotten a whiff of this nation.  She would still be in Iran, getting smacked around by a husband with multiple wives.

And, oh, by the way, isn't that your Lexus parked in the church parking lot?   Gee, America has been a horrible country for you.

The same goes for Saira Rao.  If it is so distasteful here, get the fuck out and make room for somebody who will have a balanced approach to fixing the problems our country has.

Good riddance. 

Dinner last night:  Beef burrito at El Coyote.

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