Tuesday, July 16, 2019

One Segment of the Population

Well, here we go.   Last week, a video went viral and I got sucked up into the frenzy.   In fact, I couldn't stop watching it.  I share it for your own edification.  It gets violent and there is strong language.

Okay, where do I start?  Welcome to the Happiest Place on Earth.

First off, I resisted the impulse to post this as one of my Monday Morning Video Laughs.   But when you get right down to it, domestic violence is not a "hahahaha" event.   And, frankly, all of the action above is almost a "how to" video on beating up your fellow family members.

Yes, from all accounts, this is one family that is smacking the shit out of each other.   It happened last week in...of all places...Mickey's Toon Town.  In this day and age, phone cameras get whipped out at the slightest bit of interaction.  Children, including those belonging to the combatants, are watching.   

This is life in America.  Or is it?

Here's where I editorialize a little and you will forgive me the following comment which may be construed as being racist.   In reality, I am speaking from a fact-based perspective.

Why do these brawls on-line always seem to involve...ahem...one segment of the population?

You know what I am saying.   You've seen them before on You Tube.  Fights in McDonald's or KFC or on the street where you once lived.   Ugly altercations.  Do a search on your favorite video-based web server.   You'll see what it pops.  Always involving...

One segment of the population.

I have friends of all races, creeds, colors, and nationalities.   I embrace them all.   But, you cannot deny what I am saying.   When this violence breaks out in a public place, it is almost always with...

...one segment of the population.

When I first saw this, I, of course, made the requisite politically-incorrect jokes.

Disneyland...the Nappiest Place on Earth.

Are they re-branding this section of Disneyland as "Mickey's Coon Town?"

Yeah, I know.  Insensitive.  Also funny.

But, looking at this with all seriousness, we are being force fed a scenario that this never ever happens in America with this one segment of the population.  Yet, it does.   

Reading up on this incident, I come up with several questions on my own.

One person asked why you don't see security, save for a janitor, try to step in and stop this melee.  I will counter that the authorities, in general, are reluctant to get involved these days as allegations of police brutality or prejudice often follow when it is...one segment of the population.

If you watch the video, you will see the supposed matriarch of this clan in a motorized wheelchair.   But then, suddenly, she gets out to walk.  Um, don't get me started.

I look at this family and I wonder how they come up with the pile of dough needed to spend a day in Walt's backyard.   I mean, the ticket price is now over 100 bucks.   I can't afford it.   How do they?  Don't get me started.

Properly, Disney security did intervene.  All this trash was deposited onto the other side of the Disneyland gate.  And Anaheim police are taking this all seriously with legal charges against them.  The answer from the participants?

"All this never happened."

Forget the fact that this is all captured on multiple You Tube homes.   They are denying any of this took place.

I have one ultra-cynical friend who contends that the folks in the video might have staged this all in an effort to sue Disney for defamation of character.  You know?   I wouldn't put it past them.

Lawyering up.   That is also a standard agenda item for that one very exalted segment of the population.

Will you hear any of this from our Presidential hopefuls?  


Dinner last night:  Leftover beef sausage and salad.

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