Tuesday, October 13, 2020

I'm Ashamed Of You....and A Few Others


Yes, I mean you, Jane Fonda.  An amazing talent.   Wonderful in "Grace and Frankie."   But, perhaps, one of the dumbest and meanest human beings on the planet for what she said last week.

In a video where she was probably wearing the same exercise leotards she donned back in that 80s video, Jane giggled to the camera and thanked God for creating COVID-19.  Yep, she honored God for sending us this gift which will be the undoing of Donald Trump.

So, her hatred for the President is so pronounced that she will ignore the lives that were lost by those average citizens who got the virus.   Collateral damage, Hanoi Jane?   I don't know about anybody else, but I felt really sad for somebody who would say such a heartless and vile thing.   You are totally allowed to hate Trump.   It's a free country...at least for now.  But to honor its creation as a means of getting rid of the President?  Wow.

But there are others.   On my own friends list at Facebook.   Twice, in the last week, I saw statements by people I know...praying for the assassination of Trump as a means to get him out of office.

Again, it is okay to hate Trump.   I'm not a fan either, since I hate pretty much all politicians.   But he is a human life.  With a wife and a family and friends.   Are you that wrapped up in political nonsense that you have become that rotten an individual?

But, perhaps the seeds have been there all along.  The United States is allegedly the most civil country on the planet.   Yet...

In the country's history of 244 years, there have assassinations of four different Presidents.   Garfield.  McKinley.  Lincoln.  Kennedy.

It goes deeper.   There have been seven other Presidents who were shot at.  Andrew Jackson.  Taft.  Teddy Roosevelt.   Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  Harry Truman.  Gerry Ford...twice.  Ronald Reagan.

Do the math.  11 Presidents under direct fire.   There have been 45 Presidents in total.  That's always 25 percent.

Maybe my surprise at the utter distastefulness of Jane Fonda's shouldn't be so pronounced.

Dinner last night:  Leftover meat loaf.

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