Thursday, June 2, 2022

Morons of the Month - June 2022


It's getting dangerous around here.   By "around here," I mean this country...the Un-United States of America.

Another horrific tragedy perpetrated by another loony toon young male.  Just nine days after the last horrific tragedy perpetrated by another loony toon young male. 

Over and over and over.

Of course, every time a school or a super market get shot up, the same cries ring out from the same people.   GUN CONTROL!  DOWN WITH THE NRA.  FUCK THE GOP.

The template is repeated.

Over and over and over.

And then it calms down.   Until the next one.   As if doing away with the Second Amendment is going to solve everything.

How about the illegal guns that are coming into this country every hour via drug cartels?

How about the weapons that somehow regularly find their way into Chicago where every weekend features a standard two dozen Black kids shots by other Black kids?

How about the families that rarely get together for a dinner more than twice a year?

How about the kids who need psychiatric care?   Or the others that do and their problems are temporarily alleviated by a pill four times a day?

How about the people who see their cousin is acting really weird and never say a word to anybody?  

How about civic police departments that have been hallowed out by budget cuts?

How about under-trained police forces like the one in Uvalde, Texas where those kids were doomed because they were being protected by law enforcement that was the likes of Andy, Barney, Floyd, and Goober?

Yes, guns are a problem.   One of a thousand others why this country is not safe.   

You want to blame somebody?   Don't confine it to Republicans, who largely support the NRA because they get tons of lobby money.   How about the pharmaceutical lobbies that land on the other side of the aisle?   Have you done a deep dive into where New York Senator Chuck Schumer gets his money?

Then you have Pa Kettle in the White House, who is disgusted that nothing ever gets done with gun control.   He's been in public service for half a century in a variety of positions.   And there were many times where his party was in complete control and could have gotten something done.  Look at how long Nancy Pelosi has been around.   Rumor has it she was Jesus' baby sister.   

Did he get anything accomplished?  Did she?  Did any of them?

Um, the answer is no.

So, our moron this month is a simple one.   If you are a long standing politician in this country, you have all sorts of blood on your hands.  From New York to Chicago to a border town in Texas.   And those stains are bi-partisan.

Fuck the GOP?  Fuck you all!

Dinner last night:  Salad.

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