Thursday, November 16, 2023

Remembering When


Wow, you turn around and it's sixty years later.   We will be shortly remembering Friday, November 22, 1963.   I still recall it clear as day.

Now you would think that I have seen everything possible about that fateful day.  Well, somehow mysteriously, the new National Geographic documentary has provided us all with things we have never seen before.  Oh, this is not a film that espouses any theories or conspiracies.    It actually approaches things from the angle that Oswald was the lone shooter.   But it affords looks at 11/22 that were new to me and probably you as well.

Through home movies and the memories of six people who were there and are still with us, this is all fresh information.   From Jackie's Secret Service guy to a Westinghouse reporter to the kid who drove Oswald to work that day, this is an incredibly compelling and new look at something old.

I was riveted and watched all three hours in one night.   So should you.

LEN'S RATING:  Four stars.

Dinner last night:  Salad.

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