Thursday, November 9, 2023

What's Bugging Me Right Now

For those of you not gifted with the ability to read upside down, that says "Dunaga" and they make a blue light bug repellent that captures creatures onto a glue board.  As you see above, this glue board is an insect version of Arlington National Cemetery.  Trust me when I tell you that's not the first glue board I have had.  And I now have two of these light repellents in my house.

This started about a month ago.   Every morning, I would wake up with mosquito bites all over my bar...even places that were covered with whatever clothing I sleep in.   Not wanting to be a buffet forever, I tried one of these repellents in my living room.   While I never ever see these critters around the house, they are clearly there for the taking.   What the hell?!

When the noshing didn't stop in my bedroom, I called in an exterminator.   He was able to identify all of the bugs seen reposing above.   The bigger ones are mosquitoes.   How they are getting into my apartment is up for debate.   Most windows and patio doors are closed.   The guy checked for holes in the wall.


I will expand my killing to include now a light in my bedroom.   And the exterminator did say that Los Angeles has more than its share of mosquitoes this year.   

How my apartment wound up in the bug travel guide is anybody's guess.

Buzz, buzz.   There goes another one.

Dinner last night:  Lasagna from my freezer.

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