Thursday, October 12, 2017

Hollywood On Its Knees

Figuratively and literally.  

The biggest news in Hollywood these days revolves around the grotesque sexual allegations against revered mogul Harvey Weinstein.   Oh, the humanity!  Cover your ears!  We must protect the children from hearing such shocking revelations.

Oh, puh-leze.  

To hear all the righteous indignations from the Tinseltown...and Washington DC...elite is mind boggling.  They had no idea this guy was feeling up and, in some cases, raping a Cecil B. DeMille cast of thousands.  

Okay, here's how ridiculous that is.  This news had filtered down to even my limited show business circles about ten years ago.   If I heard it, then everybody knew it.   Where there's smoke, there's always a three alarm blaze.   I go back many years to a sitcom writing workshop we took in NY and one of the moderators was a former showrunner for Bill Cosby.  He told us right then and there that Cosby was doing what everybody else knows he was doing now.  It was common knowledge and so was the Harvey Weinstein assorted gropes and grunts.  

But nobody said anything because Harvey was big money and he could make or break you.   Or get your new movie produced.

So, to consider that such well-known big mouth fressers as Meryl Streep, Julianne Moore, and even Michelle Obama didn't know this shit was going on is absolutely ludicrous.  They're jumping on the band wagon with their hand wringing now because everybody is requiring them to be moral.   Now.

Come on.  The former President of the United States made 51 traffic-snarling, budget-busting fund raising trips to Hollywood during his eight year term.  Fat Harvey and the like are all his buddies and he regularly sucked their dicks or kissed their asses in return for a check containing multiple zeroes.   So, for him and his wigged wife to be "disgusted" by the news is an insult to us all.  Of course, Mr. and Mrs. Phony As A Three Dollar Bill needed to look the other way because Weinstein bestowed an impressive internship on one of their two brats.

Is this mike on?

Of course, now even sexual misconduct falls comfortably within party lines.  The delayed outrage about Harvey by Hollywood liberals is beyond belief in light of the undying support they supplied to Bill Clinton who, to this day, is violating the personal space of women all across America.   Of course, his own wife herself has enabled this all for decades so that she could forge her own political non-dynasty.   Then, you have conservative boob Sean Hannity totally aghast about Weinstein but, weeks before, devoted a whole show to the plight of Bill O"Reilly, who's entered his fair share of interns.  And, of course, there's the current President and we all know what we saw a decade ago on Access Hollywood.

This is all hilarious and could only happen in America.   But we live in a society where powerful men can get away with anything.   And also enabled by folks willing to look the other way until it's no longer advantageous to do so.  

Of course, the stink of Harvey Weinstein is on lots of people in Hollywood.  Oh, he's headed to his villa in Europe where he is allegedly ordering in some sexual harassment therapy like it's a Dominos pizza.  Meanwhile, his company will now be run by his brother.  Yeah, right.   That's akin to a baseball manager being thrown out of a game.   Most of them stay back in the runway and relay instructions to the bench coach.   

But he is now the perennial box office poison and the dumbbells in Hollywood can't stay far enough away from him.   They will scream about how something sinister could happen here for so long.   All the while covering up their own bony skeletons in the closet.

Dinner last night:  Taylor Ham with egg and cheese on a roll.

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