Thursday, March 21, 2019

And Another Generation Catches On...

Now I don't profess to be an expert on fashion.   But when I do see people wearing something several times over the course of a week, even I can spot a burgeoning trend.

In New York last week and on the plane back to LA, I saw five different young people wearing something similar to what you see above.  A t-shirt heralding the TV show "Friends."  Heck, there were two girls on the plane wearing them.  Then I caught another one wearing for a cab at LAX.


Now, allegedly, the show has found a new life on Netflix.   From what I am told, it is one of the most downloaded shows on the service and that says something, given it's been off the air over ten years.   But I always had a feeling that "Friends" would be one of those rare TV programs that spanned generations.  

I mean, think about it.  What TV show was watched by your great grandmother, your grandmother, your parents, you, and your kids?  The only one I can think of is "I Love Lucy."

And now, at least for one generation span, "Friends."  Indeed, I had this feeling that this could happen while it was still on the air.   Let's face it.   It's a universal theme that never leaves us.   Everybody has...well...friends.  It's really a timeless commodity.  And will never really go out of style.   It helps that the show was funny, well cast, and slickly produced.   Might I add that it's a multi-cam show with a live studio audience?   Those always rerun the best.

As I notice the fashion trend in play right now, I realize that my prediction was right.

"Friends" has staying power.  And good for them.

Dinner last night:  Reuben sandwich at R and D Kitchen.

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