Thursday, December 9, 2021

Morons of the Month - December 2021


Merry Christmas.  If you live in a major city like New York, Chicago, San Francisco, or Los Angeles, I would refrain from Christmas shopping especially in high end stores.   Because you're likely to be there in the middle of a major heist.

The scumbag at the top of this entry is Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon, but more on him in a moment.   Chances are you know all about the crime sprees going on in our metro areas.   Fancy stores being looted...smash and grab is the hot mostly Black thieves who show up in very fancy town cars or SUVs.   That should be your first clue that this is all being orchestrated by some big crime syndicates, just as what happened in June 2020 with BLM.   

To make matters worse, hoodlums are not stopping at malls and stores.   No, in Los Angeles, there is the new concept of "follow home" robberies.   You are tailed while approaching your home and then mugged.   There are hundreds of such crimes in major cities over the past two weeks.

Now I heard one local idiot interviewed on TV.  He was wringing his hands and blaming it all on economic disparity.   Oh, puh-leze.   This is a business and it is thriving because the politicians in urban areas are making it so.   Essentially, no jail can hold anyone these days and the civic leaders are providing the criminals with the keys to your homes and your cars and your lives.   You can be arrested in the evening and be home in time for breakfast.

The guy in LA aiding and abetting crooks is the above Gascon.   A complete piece of shit elected because he had a lot of George Soros dough behind him.   I mean, the guy was born in Havana, Cuba in 1954.   How more Marxist could you be?

The real issue here now with Gascon's "get out of jail free" cards is that it is starting to cause people to lose their lives.   A week or so ago, a home invasion by some skell who's been in and out of jail so much that he should get frequent miles wound up in the death of a noted community leader Jacqueline Avant.   In Beverly Hills, of all places.   

Gascon doesn't give a shit.   Truly, of course, Gascon is an elected official, so the true morons here are the idiots....many of them your friends and family, who pulled the lever for this piece of trash just because he had a "D" next to his name.  I mean, a little research would show even the dumbest of voters what Gascon was all about.

But, no.   At least, he's not Trump, right?

Now, a look at his Wikipedia page shows he is married to some Hispanic podcaster/activist Fabiola Kramsky.   Maybe, if something happened to her, he'd sing a different tune.

Better still.  Just take him out and we can move on.   And if a few of his voters are collateral damage, so be it.

Dinner last night:  Leftover chili.

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