Thursday, August 4, 2022

How To Murder A Drain Fly


Because the only good one is a dead one.

I've dealt with this pesky pests twice now in two years.  Whenever there is major plumbing work in my apartment building, they seem to retreat...into my bathroom.  

Last week, they took a hydrojet to some clogged pipes and the drain flies beat another hasty retreat to Chez Len.   They come up through any opening and concentrate on the bathroom sink and toilet.  And you can't swat at them.   They move fast.

So the title of today's piece.   What's the process?   Well, it's very natural and it works.

Take a plastic cup and fill it halfway with water.   To that, adding a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.  That aroma is quite appealing to them.   The coup de grace?   A couple shots of any dish washing liquid like Palmolive and Dawn.  

Put the cup on the back of the toilet tank or wherever you have been seeing them predominantly.

Within one day...
I count ten of these stupid things.  The water and vinegar lures them in, but the soap liquid is absolute poison to them.

Bye, bye.

Dinner last night: Asian chopped salad. 

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