Thursday, March 7, 2024

Just 30 Minutes More


This cartoon used to be the opposite of me.   Ever since I was a kid, I was a morning person.  Except for those two years where all teenagers adjust to college and sleep to noon, I have been up and at 'em.   That carried over to my adult life.  For 16 years, I was at my Los Angeles office desk by 630AM ever morning.

But something has happened of late.   That duck above is me.

At first, I didn't understand why I was requiring more sleep.   Oh, and the occasional nap.   Was it old age catching up to me?   Meh.   I asked my internist.

The answer was right there on the back of my eyelids.   Regular followers know that I have just undergone the second of two total knee replacement surgeries over the past two years.  My doctor reminded me that these are major ops.  There is drilling.   There is tissue manipulation.  There is plastic and metal installed.

And there are red blood cells lost that need replenishment.  The body does its job, but my internist pointed out that this takes a while.  And just as I was caught up after the first surgery, we started the process all over again.

So, that's why I suddenly like my bed a little more than in the past.   Because, that's how....


Dinner last night:  Cheese and crackers.

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