Thursday, May 16, 2024

Well, The Very Idea...


Well, here we go.  Making good on my pledge to be less snobbish about movies I see on streams for reviewing purposes.   And this new viewpoint has an ignoble start with "The Idea of You," which is essentially a Hallmark movie without the snow.

Remember Anne Hathaway and all those ingenue princess roles?   Well, she's hit the proverbial Lancome wall.  Now in her 40s and loaded with Botox.   And this, of course, serves her well as she plays a 40 year-old divorced art dealer living with her teenage daughter in Los Angeles.  Oh, how the age thing weaves its nasty curves.

So, as any good mom would do, Anne takes her daughter and her friends off to Coachella for a few days.  She steps into a trailer which she thinks is a bathroom only to discover that it's the dressing room of the 24 year-old lead singer of some boy band named August Moon.  Embarrassment ensues, of course.   But, you need one of these "meet cute" moments to bring the most unlikely of romantic couples together.  If you like to cringe in public, this is the movie for you.

Conveniently, the kid goes off to sleepaway camp which allows Mom to do her own sleepaways in London, Rome, and Paris in full view of paparazzi.   In this film, more photogs follow this couple than did Diana and Dodi Fayed.  

To say this is a formula movie is redundant.  It follows the template of every single movie you would see on Hallmark.   First kiss at the 56 minute mark, followed by 14 and a half minutes of sex.   Then the inevitable breakup which, at the film's conclusion, winds up with the standard epilogue "Five Years Later."

The only thing you haven't seen before in "The Idea of You" is this much Botox into one woman's chin.  Somewhere underneath it all is what we remember as Anne Hathaway.  

Truth be told, you could probably find worse ways to waste your time then with this romantic tempest in a tea pot.   Just try to stop reciting the dialogue ten minutes before it is said.

LEN'S RATING:  Two-and-a-half stars.

Dinner last night: Some ice cream as I had a big lunch.

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