Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Some Days, You Just Want To....

The last day or two, I've wanted to do just that.


This is going to be one of those blog posts where comedy is left behind.

You all know about that court case in Florida.  Not guilty and all Hell has broken loose.  Except that, for a few minutes on Saturday night, all the headlines at the bottom of the TV screen got a little jumbled and I was convinced that George Zimmerman had killed the kid from Glee.

Mostly on Facebook.  Where the famous and the non-famous gather.  Some friends of mine and others who are not.  All of them feeling compelled to wring their hands and tell us how justice was not done.  Oh, the poor Martin family.  How horrible that this George Zimmerman gets to do a happy dance on the kid's grave.

On and on and on.  I never saw more sermonizing and lecturing about the court system from a bunch of loonies who do their level best to get out of jury duty every time the summons comes.

Suddenly, everybody is an expert.  From the pompous TV reporter to some schmuck who usually spends most of his time playing Candy Crush Saga.  But, Facebook is the new town hall and everybody has something to say.  And, damn well, you better listen.

So I have a blog.  That's my outlet.  But I could care less if you listen or not.

I don't profess to know what the verdict should have been down in Florida.  All I know is that the jury worked to the instructions of the law.  They had reasonable doubt.  Done.  

This is being looked upon by celebrities and the like as a travesty of justice.  How dare they do this?  This means it's okay for a stranger to kill another.  And get away with it.  Meanwhile, most of these drips get their news from broadcast journalism and that's no longer a source you can trust.  I mean, did you hear how that San Francisco station screwed up with that Asiana plane crash?  The names they reported on the flight crew?

Captain Sum Ting Wong.

Wi Tu Lo.

Ho Lee Fuk.

Bang Ding Ow.

Broadcast journalism?  Really fuk-ed.

Folks, there are travesties of justice every single day in this great land of ours.  Murder and mayhem being overlooked.  Innocent men going to jail.  Guilty as sin trash walking the streets.  A judicial system that has totally fallen apart.

What else is new?  You want to get so lathered up about the Zimmerman-Martin case?  Come back tomorrow and see what else has happened.  Read the police beat pages of any Chicago newspaper.  Learn all about the widespread crime that occurs by the minute in a community where once our President was an activist.  And, by the way, talking about race....most of the crime there is Black-on-Black. 

It's all there for you to digest.  But it's only when these gross so-called missteps of justice happen that you bother to even care.

Again, I have no clue what the real story in Florida was.  Except that two human beings' lives are forever ruined as a result of one of life's ironic collisions.  Maybe Zimmerman was a little overzealous as a wannabe cop.  Perhaps poor Trayvon was as angelic as the press makes him out to be.

Or maybe, most likely, it's somewhere smack in the middle.  Because every time they try to sell us black and white, it somehow always turns out to be a muted gray.

I am told by "civic" leaders like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson that this country needs to continue having a daily discussion about race relations in America.  Frankly, I don't want to.  I don't need to.  And, I'll only come to the table when you two start paying your taxes.

At the same time, Attorney General/Rodeo Clown Eric Holder has gotten involved and he just may decide this case on a civil level.  That pretty much undermines every jury box in this country.  Nice job.  And while you're out, Mr. Holder, figuring out this case, you might want to revisit OJ Simpson, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ronald Goldman.  

People look at just the basics of this case and forget to consider the back story.  In this case....

Why does any community in this country need a neighborhood watch at all?  That's the real crime.  

Yes, we need them.  Because crime happens.  And, thanks for municipal budget cuts, the police in 2013 can't do it all.  

I'd like a life without the need of a neighborhood watch.  That's unrealistic today.  And the folks in Sanford, Florida know that all too well.  All those Facebook-ers weeping in their morning lattes over poor, poor Trayvon should do a little homework.

Sanford, Florida is a criminal hotbed.  Look at the statistics.  Just two years ago, a nearby shopping mall was destroyed.  By the youth of that community who were on line waiting for a midnight sale of the newest Nike basketball sneakers.

Any hand wringing about that, Facebook?  Yeah, I didn't think so.

And that's why I scream a little louder today.

Come back tomorrow.  I'll be funny again.

Dinner last night:  Assorted Chinese dishes from First Szechwan Wok.

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