Thursday, July 3, 2014

Happy Birthday, America...Sort Of

So, tomorrow we celebrate our freedom and independence one more time.  America is 238 years old.  Will we get to 338 years?   Or even 248?

Sad to say, on this Fourth of July, I am not bullish on America.

We are so far removed from what those old geezers designed back in the dirt-covered streets of Philadelphia way back when.  Let's all remember that, at that time, there was the birth of a country and a way of life, not just a Tony Award-winning musical starring William Daniels.

Look around at our existence today.

Freedom of speech?  Meh.  Be careful what you say and who you say it to.   I even have to watch the topics I broach with certain friends.  Say the wrong thing on Facebook and you risk being "unfriended."  And don't even think about uttering anything that is remotely political.

Freedom of opportunity?   Meh.  The rewards of hard work don't go as far as they used to.  We live in a society where mediocrity is not only tolerated, but it's encouraged.   Be just like everybody else.  We're all equal and, if your neighbor is not, we'll make him equal.  Forget the notion that he sits in front of his television set all day with a can of beer.

Freedom of choice?  Meh.  As long as you choose what we approve of.  Laugh at the things we approve of.  Embrace the people we approve of.  Adopt as your beliefs what we approve of. 

Freedom of religion?  Meh.  I'm Old School.  This is a nation that was originally built on this concept, which was rooted in Christianity.  So, okay, we have an open door policy to accept all other comers.  Jews, Muslims, Atheists.  You name it.  We have welcomed them all and bent over backwards to do so.  I've got no argument for that.   Except the one religion now looked down upon in America 2014?  Christianity.  Go figure.

We live in a nation that features democracy, yet it is wasted now on a populace that has been dumbed down to the lowest common denominator.  How did we get there?  Look no further than our elected officials.  Republican.  Democrat.  They're all the same.  Worried only about getting a job and then promising the world to keep it.  None of them care.  From the lowest city supervisor all the way to the current President now trolling the White House.  They are equal all in their audacity.  

I've asked a British friend a number of times whether England would be interested in taking the United States back.  I mean, after almost 250 years, we've certainly made a large mess of things.  Maybe what we need to right the ship is a good, old fashioned monarch.  

She didn't think England would be interested.  

Oh, well.

Spend tomorrow reading the Declaration of Independence.  If you've got some extra time, take a gander at the Constitution as well.  You'll see just how far we've come from the original business model of this country.  

And perhaps shed a tear.

Dinner last night:  German salami sandwich on pretzel bread.


1 comment:

Puck said...

Well said on all counts. But your English friend has her own problems. If you think we're bad, things over there are much worse -- though we're working hard to catch up to their stupidity.