Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Abject Laziness

A couple of years ago, I was talking to a young (millennial) work associate.  He mentioned to me that he never ever goes to stores any more.   If he needs toiletries or socks or underwear, he simply goes on line and orders them from Amazon.

I was struck by this.   A very fit young man who was too lazy to go out to a store and buy some very basic incidentals.  I thought at the time.  How lazy can you get?

Well.  Kettle.  Black.   In 2018, I have become him.   And I love my life that is now virtually CVS and Macy's free.

How did this happen?  Well, very innocently.   I did not intentionally throw myself down the rabbit hole.   Instead, I tripped into it.

We all have standard toiletries that we use regularly.   One such item for me is Basis Soap.   Because of the hand eczema I experienced as a teenager, it was the only soap I could put on my hands without having a fierce allergic reaction to the embedded chemicals.  Basis Soap used to be easy to find in your chain drug stores.   Then, suddenly, not so much.   I found myself having CVS order it for me.

I happened to be on Amazon the next day looking for the very thing that Amazon was originally famous for...a book.   I decided to search for Basis Soap and found a bulk package that was decidedly cheaper than what CVS was charging me for ordering it.  Hmm.  If I buy this right now on Amazon, I will be teeming in Basis Soap for the very next year.

And that's how it began.  Anything I needed from CVS, I would now purchase via my spanking new Amazon Prime account.   Most times, the item would show up the next day.

I soon branched out to small items of clothing.   I was traveling to New York on business and realized that two pairs of blue dress socks had holes in them.   I was leaving in two days and didn't really have the time to fight the parking system at the local mall.   Oh, good.   Amazon has the Gold Toe over-the-calf socks I like.


I needed underwear.


I needed deodorant.


Click, click, click. 
Then there's the annual Amazon Prime Day.   I treat myself to a new kitchen appliance once a year and I do my research first before submitting to my cart on Amazon.


Perhaps I shouldn't be so surprised that I have become this person.   After all, I have not bought clothing except on Eddie Bauer for almost two decades.   I know their apparel.  I know how it fits.   That's been a shopping mainstay with me for years.

But the small items like Q-Tips and toothpaste?

Yes, I now feature complete and unmitigated abject laziness.

Oh, I'm not a complete hermit.   I still do all my grocery shopping in person.   I need to look at the food first hand.   Check the marbling on that steak.

But, wait, I just got a mailing from some place called Butcher Box.


Oh, screw it.   I need some fresh air.   Find me is Aisle 13 at Ralph's.   I'm not THAT lazy.

Dinner last night:  Leftover meat loaf.

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