Friday, February 22, 2019

Your Winning Oscar Office Pool Entry - Part 2

I'm here to help you win your Oscar office pool.   Read yesterday's blog entry for the backstory.  Today, I'm giving you the likely winners for all the big categories.   And it's one of the worst Best Picture fields in history.  Most of it complete junk.

But who cares?  There's money to be won here.  Let's go...

BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS:  "If Beale Street Could Talk" is really a nothing movie, but the scenes including REGINA KING are great.   I really have enjoyed her work over the year.   I mean, this woman started in sitcoms like "227."  This is one case where the push for diversity is warranted.

BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR:  And the same goes for this category as well.  "Green Book" was the best movie I saw in 2018.   It had a message but didn't hit you over the head with a concrete slab to get it made.   So, this year, both Supporting Oscars go to African-Americans.   Yep, the winner here is MAHERSHALA ALI.   And this is already his second one, so let's give somebody else a shot next year.

BEST ACTRESS:   No need to push diversity here.  Talent wins out.   I have this recurring nightmare that the Academy will give this one to Olivia Colman for her work in "The Favourite."  But, come on, GLENN CLOSE was so damn good in "The Wife."   Let's go, folks.   Think logically.   Please reward the performance, not the subject matter or the color of someone's skin.

BEST ACTOR:  Everybody is buzzing over Christian Bale's transformation into Dick Cheney for the movie "Vice."  But how much of that performance was make-up?   I think a lot.  When push comes to shove, I'm believing that Freddie Mercury will be the...ahem...champion.  The winner is RAMI MALEK for "Bohemian Rhapsody."

BEST DIRECTOR:  Okay, as the dopey Academy ticks off their diversity boxes, they now have to reward Mexico for not paying for the wall.   They have been gushing over this guy's work in "Roma" for months.  Here's how tied he is to his native country.   ALFONSO CUARON has lived in London for the past 18 years.    What a complete fraud.   But, if you're not an American, you can win an Oscar for making a movie where absolutely nothing happens.

BEST FILM:  I am hoping and praying for a last minute surge by "Green Book."  But, alas alack, it will be too late.   The winner for both this award and best foreign film (first time ever in history) will be ROMA.   You want to know why I think this two-and-a-half exercise in nothingness about a Mexican Mary Poppins will win?   It's because the idiots in the Academy silently feel guilty about the way they treat their own nannies living in Beverly Hills.   Phoniness on steroids.

And there you go.   Your triumphant picks.  Let me know how much you won.

Dinner last night:  Grilled bratwurst, Brussels sprouts, and pickled beets.

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