Thursday, October 17, 2019

Another Day at the Gym

Here's a photo of the gym I used in West LA.  It's one of those places where only trainers can go with their clients.  I'm usually there Tuesday and Fridays.  Keeping myself mobile.

And listening to the world around me...

Since this gym is in the United States, it naturally mirrors the composition of the country.  Meaning that it is fiercely and fatally bi-polar politically.  And it raises its ugly head from time to time.   Right after Trump got elected, I actually watched a fist fight between two fifty-year-old women in the massage room.  Just because one of the gals was wearing a MAGA t-shirt.

Meanwhile, there is one real pig that works out here when I do.  She was formally some TV development executive but recently got shitcanned because she's pushing 75 or 80.   Her face reflects how she deals with age.   She's had face work that is desperately trying to make her look 50.   Except the work must have been done by Earl Scheib because, in reality, it makes her look 85.   My trainer and I have nicknamed her something that actually has caught on around the gym.

Hatchet Face.  There is a head shot of her on-line.   I would not post it here as it is liable to get me kicked off the Blogger website.

Well, Hatchet Face has another detestable trait.   She is completely intolerant of any political opinions not her own.  She essentially vomits talking points heard on MSNBC.  When we know she is due to appear, my trainer playfully switches the TV overhead to Fox News.   She goes ballistic.

Yep, this woman is a real bitch.

And, last week, I was privy to a conversation she was having with one of the trainers who obviously sits on the other side of the aisle.   They were discussing the current impeachment controversy.

HF:  "Well, we need whistle blowers in this country.   We need people on the inside to expose the treachery that is going on."

Trainer:  "So, you fully support whistle blowers?"

HF:  "Absolutely."

Trainer:  "So that means you find nothing wrong with what Snowden leaked?  Or Julian Assange."

HF:  "No, that's different."

Trainer:  "How is it different?"

HF:  "It just is."

Trainer:  "How?"

HF:  "I'm not talking to you any more."

She and her plastic face walked away.

And, ladies and gentlemen, that is what America is all about on this day, October 17, 2019.

Dinner last night:  Chopped salad.

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