Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A Movie Review and A Little Commentary

A friend of mine devoted a chunk of money to the makers of this documentary and one of the perks she got, besides a nifty screen credit, was an invitation for two to the LA premiere of "No Safe Spaces."  One of those Hollywood nights that can't be resisted.  

This very thoughtful film is the brainchild of radio and podcast personalities Adam Carolla and Dennis Prager and clearly on the conservative side of things.  My friend is a big fan of Prager and his on-air personality is not of the contemptible, mean-spirited ilk that liberals would portray.  He strikes me as thoughtful, smart, and logical.   

Well, "No Safe Spaces" is almost as thoughtful, smart, and logical.  It's all about free speech and the growing lack of it in America, especially on college campuses.  While the documentary does touch both sides of the argument, it clearly sits in the conservative dugout on the ball field.   And rightfully so as recent events at such lunatic asylums as Berkeley demonstrate.  All conservative opinions are viewed as hate speech from bigots, homophobes, and any other categories that are registered as being non-liberal.

Indeed, if I had a child of college age right now, I would be very, very, very careful to send that student to a university that presents a balanced curriculum.  If a kid wants to be conservative or liberal, let it be their own choice and not one indoctrinated by the faculty.  I've seen it in my private sphere.   A college friend is now a professor at a major university.  I see his Twitter account.   I would not let my child be a student in any one of his classes.

The film makers lay out the arguments perfectly.  Sure, it's on one very distinct side of the aisle.  But it still lets you formulate your own opinion.  And that's the point of what should be happening on our college campuses.

Sadly, it is not.

Going to the premiere of this movie, which has a message that deserves to achieve a following, was enlightening in some other ways.

I sit in Los Angeles which is predominantly liberal in thinking.  Actually, it's that one-party rule which is pretty much sinking the whole state at this juncture.   But I am surrounded by prattle from non-moderate thinkers and it's almost sickening to hear.   My own pastor, sadly a graduate from the aforementioned nut house called Berkeley, bloviates on and on about the civil war that Trump will be starting in 2020 with secret messages embedded in speeches directed at White supremacists.   She talks about the villainous white men that are running this country on the right.

So, I go to this premiere and I survey the demographics of the well-dressed crowd.   

I would say half the room was under the age of 35.  

I saw diversity.

I saw women.

I saw all the things that the left would say does not exist on the right.

With a documentary like this, eyes can be opened.  Because when I see all sorts of folks embracing other ideas, there is hope for America.

LEN'S RATING:  Three stars.

Dinner last night:  Leftover turkey chili.

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