Thursday, July 9, 2020

Morons of the Month - July 2020

You may have seen this a lot on social media last month.   Profile pictures that were suddenly changed to display solidarity with the Black Lives Matter organization.   I know a lot of friends who did so.   

Meanwhile, I have other friends who marched in protest, regardless of those pesky stay-at-home orders.   It was a veritable ocean of unity.

I, however, did not.  Marching is out with my knees.   And, frankly, I don't feel the need to advertise that I am a decent human being.   I wondered about those who did.   Do they have friends who are not decent human beings?  If so, they should delete them from their own lives.

If you want to argue or support a case, I invite you to go ahead.   This is a free least it still is for the moment.   While the so-called lemmings who got behind BLM are not all morons, the act of doing so without doing a little research about the organization is a bit...well...moronic.

BLM is not about a Black man being killed by a White cop.   But, when that does happen, they mobilize with the same precision as the National Guard.   You don't miss the opportunity to make some political and financial inroads into society.  Because, indeed, BLM doesn't really give one hoot about a dead or impoverished Black person.   Nope, it's all about political power...and the cash needed to wield it.

If BLM actually cared about the Black human being, it would be marching in Chicago every single weekend when there are always at least double digit Black-on-Black murders.   If BLM actually cared about Black lives, they would demand more accountability from those politicians running urban-based cities...politicians, by the way, who are mostly Democrats.   

But no.

BLM is all about the shakedowns they can administer as soon as a White-on-Black injustice makes it to the mainstream media.   They immediately take their cash reserves from donors who are, by the way, mostly Democrats and begin the mayhem.   That is what they are all about.  Anarchy.

I wonder if my supportive friends have actually checked out BLM on-line and read their mission statement.  They are all very proud to announce that they are trained Marxists.   To those with a recent college education, that doesn't mean they are big fans of Groucho and Harpo.   Indeed, if Marxism overrules society, that recent college education likely does not even happen.

BLM is really a huge syndicate which now cons major corporations with pun intended...and demands huge payouts for their alleged injustices in the Black community.   Big bucks means even bigger mayhem when the next opportunity arises.

And I think about some of my actor friends who were very quick to post their black squares as well.   Most are White.   Virtually all of them will get probably 75 percent less audition calls as Hollywood is challenged to be more inclusive.  And, if you remember your physics, a finite object can't be inclusive without being a bit exclusive.   If you thought diversity was a major marching order in Hollywood last year, you ain't seen 2021 yet.

So, to all those who support BLM without doing your homework, there are less violent ways in which you can act like complete morons.   

More to come.   For sure!

Dinner last night:  Lemon garlic shrimp.

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