Thursday, May 13, 2021

Len's Recipe of the Month - May 2021


My new food recipe addiction is with a You Tube vlogger from Long Island who is sharing his grandmother's Italian recipes on line.   It's called "Sip and Feast" and he is really a very basic and easy-to-understand chef.  I have tried a few of his concoction and the one this month might be the best.   Something called "Chicken Valdostana" which is apparently some area of Italy.   Whatever.   The dish is sumptuous.

Take four thinly sliced chicken breasts.   Place under cellophane and pound them to an even thinner consistency.  

Now, for some prep, clean and then slice some mushrooms.   I used Baby Bellas.

Grate about a cup of Fontina cheese, but you can use mozzarella or parmagian.

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

In an oven-safe pan, heat 1 to 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter and a tablespoon of EVO.

Pat dry the chicken cutlets.  Salt and pepper them, then dredge them in some flour.   Shake off the excess.  Pan sear the chicken for two minutes per side.  Then remove.   Add more butter and EVO to the pan if you need it.  Now saute the mushrooms for five to seven minutes.  Remove them.

Now turn the heat up to high on the pan and add 3/4 cup chicken stock and 3/4 cup white wine.   With a wooden spoon, scrape the bottom of the pan for all the brown bits, which is added flavor.   As you cook, the sauce should thicken.   You can add a teaspoon of flour to help that along.

Turn the heat down and place the chicken back in the pan.   Top each cutlet with a slice of good prosciutto.  Put the mushrooms on top and then evenly distribute the Fontina cheese.

Place in the oven for about seven to ten minutes.   The cheese will melt and get bubbly.

So will you when you serve this dish.

Dinner last night:  Bacon wrapped hot dog at the Dodger game.

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