Tuesday, November 16, 2021

I Miss Reviewing Movies


This blog started in March of...gulp...2007.  Right from the get-go, a popular daily entry were my movie reviews.    New theatrical releases or films premiering on line were perfect fodder.   Some of my funniest pieces were in reviews of movies that really stunk.

But, sadly, the movie review has been missing from these virtual pages.   Oh, there have been some isolated films from when theaters opened after COVID.  And a few got reviews from their on-line streams.   But there just have not been enough of them.   As a result, I have had to rely on other nonsense.  But how many blog entries can you devote to Nancy Pelosi?

I was hoping that the opening of theaters would prompt me back into the reviewer's chair.   But, unfortunately, the movies in mainstream theaters are just not worth the masked effort.  I look at the movie listings and the word "meh" is uttered most frequently.  And that includes the latest James Bond chapter.

Perhaps, with the future Oscars award season, there will be some films to review.   I am counting on it.

In the meantime, I sharpen my knives with focused resolve.   I can't wait for the day where I can once again type.


Dinner last night:  Leftover SPO.

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