Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Keeping Medical Score


Everybody knows how much I love keeping score at baseball games.  Well, given that I am still in a Dodger Stadium moratorium due to knee replacement recovery, let me take another spin at this.

One week before my knee replacement, I had my pre-op physical with my internist.   And I told him the following...

"I am perfectly fine right now, except for being a little slow in walking.   So I will walk into a hospital next week and pretty much fuck myself up."

He did nod.

So how fucked did I get?

Well, it's taken about four weeks to get to the point where I don't have to walk around the house with a cane.   But what else?

My right knee, which has been pain-free the last five years, is now bothering me again.

Ever since surgery, the middle finger on my right hand is painful and swollen.   It is now impossible to give the bird to any of my doctors.

I have lost 25 pounds.   Now that might be viewed positively.   I don't.

Taking pain meds for a week messed up my sleep patterns and, until I recently started taking Melatonin, I rarely dozed for more than an hour at night.

I have the sensation of smelling metal and my saliva constantly tastes like I just drank a glass of rust water.   The likely culprit is a condition called dygeusia, which impacts smell and taste after you are subjected to general anesthesia.  Allegedly, it can last for months.

Ah, what else?

There is an itchy bruise on the calf of my operated leg that won't go away.

I can't sit at the computer more than twenty minutes at a time.   Try and maintain a daily blog doing that.

Oh, wait, it's Minute #19.   I've got to stretch.   So ends today's medical score book.  I'm sure there will be more to come.

Dinner last night:  Leftover Mongolian beef.

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