Thursday, July 20, 2023

Critics, Be Damned


If you listened to the advance word about what I will call "Indiana 5," you would think that the producers had all been convicted of clubbing puppies to death with a baseball bat.  Everybody had a mean thing to say about it and poor Harrison Ford at the age of 80 "should retire."

Well, I'm here to tell you that this is a perfectly acceptable and entertaining movie.  My small circle of friends has pretty much agreed.  Indeed, to me, this might be the best one since the original "Indiana 1" way back in 1981.  

It's almost like critics wanted it to fail.  And, sadly, audiences might be listening to them.  Thus far, the movie is a box office dud and hardly in a position to make back its production cost of 265 million dollars.

Sure, it's a half hour too long.  Sure, things that happen are completely implausible.   Sure, the last twenty minutes are a lot to swallow.   But I found myself thoroughly engaged in one chase scene after another, including one with Indiana riding a horse on the NY City subway system.   The whole film was a complete and welcome diversion and also one that you need to see on a big screen.

What's wrong with that?

Much hand wringing has been made about the first twenty minutes which happen around the same time as the Lost Ark.  They "de-aged" Harrison Ford to look younger for the footage.  People were screaming that this all looked "photo-shopped."  Well, my friends and I thought the footage was seamless and appeared as if it was originally filmed back in 1981.

It all makes me wonder who Harrison Ford pissed off to merit such a bad reaction.  I mean, this is set up to be the last installment and the ending is a sweet one.  What's the point of the thrashing?  And don't we want movies playing in a theater to succeed?

If you have answers to any of these questions, leave your comments below.

LEN'S RATING:  Three-and-a-half stars.

Dinner last night:  Waygu burger.

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