Thursday, July 6, 2023

Moron of the Month - July 2023

This shithead has been honored here before, but now there is a very good...and new reason to do so.  You will recognize the guy on the left as Zelensky, the head of the Ukraine.   Seen here as he played the piano with his penis on a TV talent show.

Yep, this is the scumbag who has been called the next Winston Churchill.   The clowns in our government revere here as they hand over billions of dollars to him.  For what reason?  Who knows?   But he is still allegedly at war with Russia, even though he and his skanky wife find time to hobnob with Hollywood and do cover photos for Vanity Fair.  

Nope, I haven't bought this guy's act for a single moment.   Meanwhile, he is getting richer by the moment while the poor, hungry people of his land are still being blown up.

So, I've always thought I was the contrarian on this.   One of only a dozen or so who saw through this charade.   But, oddly enough, in the most innocent of moments, I managed to get the real story.  From the most unlikely of sources.

Last week, I got a call from Spectrum Cable.   They are phasing out one of the receivers I had and wanted to send a technician out to do the job.   As promptly as they usually are, the young tech showed up early.  I appreciated this.

The tech guy was probably no more than 25 and I kidded him about crawling around on my floor, given I am recovering from knee replacement surgery.   I had noted a Seattle phone number when he texted me and I inquired if he had lived there...and taken my beloved ferry.  He had not as he was only there for a short while.   I denoted a slight accent.   I asked where he was from.

The Ukraine.   And most of his family is still there.

I figured I was going to get an honest appraisal from this smart guy, so I asked him what he thought of his native country's leader.

"You know everybody hates him."


"He's really a dictator."

Ah again.

"People are dying for no reason while he is becoming a millionaire."

Ah ah ah.

Everything I thought came flowing out of his mouth as he tested my new signal.

Both messages received.   The one from Spectrum.   And the one coming out of the mouth of a really smart kid.

Dinner last night:  Leftover chicken parm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Read this piece Thursday when it first came out but it took a few days of rattling around the old subconscious for comments to form. The contrarian viewpoint here is fascinating especially since it's showcased as a badge of honor. Funny, devil's advocate comes to mind and perhaps is more appropriate. Per Oxford Languages powering Google Dictionary:
HISTORICAL-the popular title of the person appointed by the Roman Catholic Church to challenge a proposed beatification or canonization, or the verification of a miracle.
Is Zelensky a saint who performs miracles in the underdog's war against Russian oppression? Or is he a figurehead for a corrupt group of oligarchs who pay handsomely for him to weasel and pocket aid from the West. Meanwhile, to keep the money flowing, Ukrainians are forced to drag out a bloody war.  What is really happening? Facts presented here to ponder are a magazine article and insights from the proficient Ukrainian born cable guy.
The Vanity Fair magazine article was a year ago and maybe it's one year anniversary triggered a hairball. Oh, wait a minute. It was a Vogue photo layout depicting Zelensky and his wife in the Ukrainian war zone. The VOGUE photo shoot made the wife look skanky. Maybe Vanity Fair could have done better. The Devil's Advocate screams "It's fake and staged!" The Admiration Society says "They are so cute while warring with the bad guys." Don't you just want to have a telethon to send tanks stuffed with cash. So NATO nations have sent cash with the US sending the most by FAR. Almost $80 billion including humanitarian aid but mostly logistical aid and WEAPONS. None of the financial details are mentioned in today's blog piece but it is the elephant in the room. The economy is struggling here in the US yet there is budget carved out for war aid on top of already allocated and generous foreign aid.
The other channel of insight is provided by the Ukrainian Spectrum repair guy. Fine and efficient 25-year-old lad is here in the US while his family is in the Ukraine. Is he a "draft dodger." Everybody hates Zelensky the dictator who makes millions while we fight the cable service. Zelensky bad, war bad, everybody hates him. I fixed your cable and must be most noble and not someone who is afraid to go to war.
It may be easier to condemn a cause when it soothes a guilty conscience. I feel sorry for this kid. An unprovoked war shatters his reality with long odds for any meaningful Ukrainian future.
Zelensky did not graduate to scumbag level in the Contrarian's mind without committing oodles of nefarious crimes. It'd would be illuminating and appreciated to get a peek at valid, documented evidence. Somehow Mrs. Z is a verified skank which has to be entertaining to demonstrate.
Thank you for provoking discussion on this subject which isn't comfortable to express freely but should be especially for life long best friends forever.😍🤗😀