Thursday, August 3, 2023

Moron of the Month - August 2023

She's back.

This frightful visage adorns the head of Debbie Wasserman Schultz.   Or as I call her Debbie Washwoman Schultz.  

I believe in the very early days of this blog she was one of her first monthly morons.  At the time, she was in charge of the Democratic National Committee.  In 2023, she's a congresswoman from the east coast of Florida and you have to worry about the constituency there who actually elected her to be their representative.

Regardless, she's still...a moron.

You see, Debbie Washwoman Schultz is one of those politicians who doesn't know how to do anything but regurgitate the talking points released by her party on any given day.  If Debbie ever had an original idea come out of her mouth, we would have to hold a parade.  But, no.   Everything she says and does is...Republicans, bad...Democrats, wonderful.

So what propelled her back on my radar screen?  Well, apparently, she's heading some Congressional committee looking into the background and comments of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  Now what could Debbie possibly have to complain about this from this lifelong Democrat?   Well, RFK is daring to call out everybody for their hypocrisy and that doesn't sit well with no-brain Debbie.  So she chooses to use this opportunity to call a Kennedy a bigot and a homophobe.

You see how it works?

If you don't toe the party line, you are depicted as evil.  And Debbie showed him the same kind of hatred and disdain that Hitler showed to the Jews in Auschwitz.   Because, in reality, Debbie Washwoman Schultz is no different.

But, somehow and someway, we continue to find a place in the world for shitheads like Debbie.  Indeed, stupid people can be dangerous.

Dinner last night:  Sandwich.

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