Tuesday, August 22, 2023

When Trailers Deceive


They do sometimes.   

A few months ago, I was at the movies and one of the trailers featured the dreaded red screen, signifying that this trailer had strong language and scenes.  What popped was this talking dog film called "Strays."  It may have been offensive but, for three minutes, I was laughing my ass off.   I immediately checked to see when it was going to open.

Oh, wow, I thought.   I'm actually anticipating the release of a film.  And looking forward to opening weekend, for Pete's sake.

Well, it opened.  I went.  And was sort of disappointed.  Indeed, all the really funny stuff was in the trailer.   While "Strays" was entertaining and a worthy time passer, I couldn't help but feel that I had been misled.  Because along with the super raunchy three minutes you saw in the trailer, there was also another ninety minutes that actually was a semi-sweet tale about...gasp...friendship.

The story is pretty simple and yes, please remember that you are watching talking dogs.  Reggie (Will Ferrell) is a cute little mongrel with a nasty owner who goes to great lengths and distances to try and get rid of the dog that really belonged to his ex-girlfriend.  

Reggie meets up with some other strays who have been equally disowned by masters.  Bug, as voiced by Jamie Foxx, decides to help Reggie get revenge by....wait for this...biting his master's dick off.

What followed is a road-like buddy movie which is, while sporting colorful language, is nowhere near the raunchy fun I saw in the trailer.  But they got me into the theater so the trailer I suppose was successful.  But, once again, I have to say that I wanted more bad language and dirty jokes.  

Still, "Strays" sports a lot more cleverness than that Barbie swill everybody is running to see.  And "Strays" doesn't strive to do anything but entertain...also unlike that Barbie mess.

And, if you never saw the "Strays" trailer, you will probably be quite satisfied.

LEN'S RATING:  Three stars.

Dinner last night:  Salad.

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