Friday, August 11, 2023

Summer Photos Your Phone Missed


Take your child on an amusement park ride and suddenly she's starring in "The Exorcist Part 4."

Cooking instructions:  Take one child.  Wrap in tin foil.  Bake at 350 degrees till crisp.
The annual meeting of the Clint Howard Fan Club.
What happens when Mom fogets to fill those Christmas stockings.
"Here, use this."
Johnny's favorite piece of the birthday cake is the breast.
What happens when you don't pay attention to the cooking instructions I listed above.
"Here comes Grandma.  And, er, there goes Grandma."

Reminds me of what my own grandmother would say when she caught me doing this.
"Are you digging for gold?"
The acorn really fell far from the family tree.

Dinner last night:  Scrambled eggs with Taylor ham and cheddar cheese.

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