Thursday, October 3, 2024

Morons of the Month - October 2024


This is the second time I have used this now iconic photo that will go down in history.

Since then, there has been another attempt on Trump's life.   And there is still very little information on what happened in either incident.  In this day of over-details, we have very few...particularly about the background of the would-be assassins.  

Okay, folks, this is not a blog piece that will chastise you for voting one way or the other.  You can save that nonsense for social media.  Indeed, I have watched friendships end because of political affiliations.  Let's face it.  Elections in this country used to be so civilized.  Not any more.  Our once-great nation has such a bi-polarity for which there is no medication.

There is a hatred in this country that cuts right down the middle.   And, on our watch...the descendants of the so-called Greatest Generation...we now have a political change in our nation that just might end in violence.

You may have heard recently that it is very possible that Iran, not a fan of DJT, might be orchestrating this shooting attempts.   To that, I said it is very, very, very possible.

And I'll go a little further.  The hatred and fear of a Trump second presidency is so strong and palpable that they (the Democrats) could stoop to new lows in their quest for power.

Might that include murder?   Do you think that's impossible?

If so, you, cherished blog reader, are a moron.  

Ours is a country that has staged government takeovers and coups all over the globe.   We may have been justified in doing so, but we interfered nonetheless.  Heck, we just had a coup on our side of the pond recently.  Or are you really believing that story about Biden stepping out of the race all on his own?

Trust me, when it comes to these political shenanigans, there are equal perpetrators with both Ds and Rs following their names.  

Come on, folks.   We have already killed a US President in America.   Or are you really believing that story about Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone?

Wake up and smell the gun smoke.  If anything happens like that to alter this election, this country will have turned into a dark corner from which there is no return.   Sadly, we might be just mere steps away.

And it happened on our watch.   Taking the land our parents and grandparents fought so valiantly for in World War II and turned it to shit.

So, keep "unfollowing" Facebook friends who disagree with you.  Those actions, when magnified, have dire consequences.

Dinner last night:  Sausage and salad.

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