If they can co-exist so well on a cookie, why not in America?
---Here's why.
---Have you filled out your Census yet? Are you conflicted over your race and ethnicity?
---If so, you've got plenty of company. For instance, take the President.
---Please. Thank you, Henny Youngman.
---After reminding us constantly that it was not about race and that he had a White mother and grandmother, Obummer fills out his form and checks the box "Black."
---Well, that settles that.
---Not that it makes.
---They kept telling us it didn't.
---Of course, at the same time, they kept reminding us that it did.
---But, what the hell, I wrote down that I was Chinese.
---What's even more laughable are these allegations that tea parties are nothing but Klan meetings. I went to one last week and I didn't see a single white sheet.
---Although I did see some white pants and it's not even Memorial Day.
---These days, there's only discrimination and racism when the Democrats want to bring it up.
---At the end of the day, what difference does it make if the Census thinks you're White, Black, or Yellow? Aren't you still just one person regardless?
---Er, probably not.
---And I just realized that I forgot to mention the twelve Indians living in my walk-in closet.
---Somebody asked Obummer a question about health care and he talked for seventeen minutes.
---With the teleprompter, it would have been sixteen minutes.
---This is a guy who needs Cliff Notes to answer the question "what time is it?"
---"Er, time? Well, that's a good question. Hmm, time? Okay, when George Bush was President, nobody cared about time."
---"Now, the Republicans...they'll mention time and then accuse you of hiding it. But, you ask me the time and I can tell you what it is."
---"Time is ultimately unimportant in the great scheme of things. I was thinking about the correct time when I was doing my NCAA brackets just the other day."
---"Okay, what was the question again?"
---Meanwhile, POTUS threw out the first ball at the Washington Nationals' home opener.
---The pitch was off the mark and way to the left. The usual.
---Afterwards, Obummer was interviewed about his hometown team, the Chicago White Sox. And couldn't recall the name of a single player.
---But remembered that the team played in Co-minsky Park.
---I wonder if he was there the night they raided Co-minsky's.
---Have you seen a bigger hunk of junk than the iPad??
---Who the fuck wants to carry around a snack tray all day?
---I can read a magazine, too. Without the iPad. Wanna know who?
---I buy the friggin' magazine and open it!
---The thing weighs a pound and a half. An average magazine is how many ounces??
---How stupid a public are we?
---I'll tell you. We watch programs like "Dancing with the Stars" and "Real Housewives."
---If you wonder why God is giving us mine disasters and earthquakes, he's monitoring our television viewing.
---And to those of you who checked in with me after the Easter Sunday earthquake, thank you.
---To those of you who didn't...well, you weren't getting much money from my will anyway.
Dinner last night: Egg salad sandwich.
Having nothing better to do, I watched video of the White House Easter Egg Roll. (With Six You Get Eggroll, for you old movie buffs.)
Mr. and Mrs. Obama are the most unimpressive couple. He seems to have trouble speaking, and he's as graceful in motion as Michael J. Fox. Cheap line.
I'm amazed that this mediocrity is President. He looks like the token they let into the country club to prevent a lawsuit. He's a father but can't seem to relate to children. Watch how awkwardly he "helps" the kids.
Why didn't these two stay on the South Side of Chicago where they belong?
That photo makes me hungry.
Now I am truly wireless thanks to $100 and Mummadi who lives "far away."
AT&T should change its logo to a giant octopus strangling a customer while pulling all his money out of both pockets.
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