Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I Slow Down For Wednesdays

And I might not slow down for people darting in front of my car.

---This is a highway sign you see in border states like Arizona and California. Trust me when I tell you that it's not a warning that you're in proximity to a family on a TV game show.

---It's funny that they depict a family of three scooting over the border. Usually, it's more than that.

---A lot more than that.

---A lot, lot more than that.

---Three brothers, two sisters.

---One of the girls is eight months pregnant.

---Two dogs, one of which has fleas.

---A lazy uncle who has an arrest record.

---Grandma in a wheelchair and frequently incontinent.

---Welcome to America, one and all!

---My tax dollars are at your complete disposal.

---I love the morons (several of them friends of mine) who so vehemently oppose Arizona's proposed Senate Bill 1070. But, ask any one of them what's in it.



---Well, ummmm, er............

---Yeah, I know. You haven't read it.

---It's easy to track down and digest. And you'll realize it's simply a reiteration of the laws the Federal Government stopped enforcing years ago.

---Goofy liberal hand wringers (several of them friends of mine) worry that human rights are being infringed upon.

---Have you seen the pictures of the violence caused at border towns by drug runners slipping into this country?



---Well, ummmm, er............

---Yeah, I know. You haven't seen them.

---Meanwhile, you have places like West Hollywood announcing that they will be boycotting Arizona.

---Which means that it really sucks to be a gay Diamondbacks fan living on Kings Road right now.

---If you're an illegal immigrant in Mexico, do you think you get the same red carpet treatment?

---Yeah, the red on the carpet is your blood. Because the authorities down there are probably like the banditos in "Treasure of Sierra Madre."

---"Badges? We got da stinkin' badges."

---Look the wrong way in Mexico and your teeth are invited to a mixer hosted by the butt head of a rifle.

---Our country is continually slapped in the face by foreign countries and we inexplicably keep showing them where they can find our other cheek.

---Take, for instance, the seven-year-old Japanese rock guitarist who played the National Anthem at Dodger Stadium last Sunday.

---Cute and adorable throughout, the kid played the anthem to the point where it sounded like the starting line of the Indy 500. A complete and utter mess.

---The dummies in the crowd cheered. Really???

---At the same time, if a seven year-old American rock guitarist went overseas and destroyed another country's anthem, he would probably not live long enough to be eight.

---So, just how much fertilizer does it take to blow up a standard SUV?

---The numbskull tourists walking around Times Square saw the smoke coming out of the van and probably thought it was an ad.

---"Hey, look, Myrtle. Smoke coming out of that truck. Cool. Just like it used to come out of that Camel cigarette sign."

---If you blow up fertilizer, does it smell? Another treat for the Times Square tourist.

---"Hey, Myrtle, take a whiff. Just like home."

---When I heard that there was a bomb on Broadway, I just asumed that they had revived "Young Frankenstein."

---The terrorist was from Pakistan. Living in Connecticut.

---Stiffer border controls with Rhode Island might have prevented that.

---Of course, we first had NY Mayor Bloomberg suggesting that the culprit was probably somebody upset about health care reform.

---Or maybe the dude is just pissed that New York elected another jackass for a mayor.

---Everytime I hear and see that chucklehead Janet Napolitano, she reminds me of a teacher who can't even keep the sophomores from attending the freshman school dance.

---The bomb guy was put on a "no fly" list Monday morning and got on a flight at JFK Monday night.

---Well, that's obviously working well.

---Meanwhile, Grandma from Oklahoma was being detained for trying to board with too large a can of hair spray.

---Columbia Pictures presents the Three Stooges in "Homeland Security."

---NYPD, of course, sprang into immediate action.

---The President had a statement the very next morning.

---Which is actually pretty fast for him. He took eight days to inspect the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

---Maybe he was walking there?

---It seems like the only way to get Obummer's immediate attention is to have a Black Harvard professor involved.

---But, then again, stiffer border laws in Massachusetts might have prevented this.

Way too much news this week. Now I've got a headache.

Dinner last night: New Orleans Shrimp at the Cheesecake Factory.


Anonymous said...

The Pakistani who tried his best to blow up Times Square, along with as many infidels as possible, came to America where he got two degrees, including a masters. Then we gave him a job, not one requiring a mop. He showed his gratitude with a car bomb then hightailed it to the airport like the coward that he is. No suicide for this chump.

And we keep letting them in. Will we ever learn?

Anonymous said...

I forgot. Happy Cinco De Mayo!