Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Moron of the Month - May 2018

There is a truly detestable woman at the gym I go to on Fridays.   So miserable and annoying that my trainer and I have designated her as the recipients of that descriptive word which is so offensive and inappropriate that we don't even want to utter it.  Instead, we have worked up a code.

"She's a real See You Next Tuesday."

Think about it.  

Well, the photo above is not the ditch pig from my gym.  I actually think I would be kicked off this site if I sullied it with her face.   No, this woman is some slob named Randa Jarrar.   From the picture, she's obviously single, fat, and living with four or five cats.

She's also a real See You Next Tuesday.

Randa's a writer and has her own website which confirms to me that she's grossly overweight.  In fact, one of her books is titled with the actual word that my trainer and I had to paraphrase.

"X Cuntry."

Now you understand the See You Next Tuesday deflection.

Well, Jarrar not only scribbles for a living but she also is a professor of creative writing at Fresno State University.   Mark that college down and make sure not to send your kid there.  Or, frankly, don't send your son and daughter to most colleges in the United States these days because of the academia nuts standing in front of the classes.   Trust me.  If I had a child today, I would so carefully vet every aspect of their college education.   I would insist on a balanced education and viewpoint.   Needle.  Haystack.

But, back to this ugly sow.  You might have heard about her in the news.   It seems that Randa tweeted about the recent death of former First Lady Barbara Bush.  Actually, she celebrated it with some pronouncements about her racism, etc..   

Okay, here's where our First Amendment kicks in.   As much as Randa's rants and ravings are vile and disgusting, it's a free country to speak even if it's hateful.   The First Amendment protects you, me, this blog, and sadly trash like this female Jabba the Hut.

That said, kerosene was thrown on the fire by the president of Fresno State.  Some complete dumbbell named Joseph Castro.
By the way, doesn't he look like some character that Tony Soprano would have beat the shit out?

Well, while Castro apologized for Jarrar's moronic remarks, he also said he really couldn't do anything more to her.   You know, the First Amendment and all.

Um, right.  And wrong.   

I am guessing that Castro had to pussyfoot around this perhaps because of time Jarrar has built up with the university.   Er, can you spell t-e-n-u-r-e?  

And there, my friends, is the problem with our colleges and universities across the country.   There is an increasing amount of instructors who don't allow students to get a fair and balanced viewpoint.  Instead, these bloated professors mount their pulpits and spew all sorts of venom at the kids whose minds are still in a molding state.   I mean, I see it myself.   A very good friend of mine is a professor himself.   I am sure he is very good at it.   But, when I look at his viewpoint on politics via Twitter, I cringe.   Are these thoughts and opinions sifting into this classroom?   I would say it is impossible for this not to happen.  He's just another teacher whom I would not want my own son and daughter to be exposed to.

So, indeed, while Randa is a disgusting See You Next Tuesday, the real moron this month is Joseph Castro.   Another in a long line of university administrators who can not stand up to an alarming and growing trend in American higher education.

Oh, and by the way, I sincerely hope that Randa Jarrar is diagnosed with ovarian cancer that ravages her body.  At least she can say something got into that part of her body.   

How can I say something so utterly vile?  

The First Amendment.

Dinner last night:  A big salad.

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