Thursday, March 5, 2020

Musing About Super Thursday

Oh, wait, I meant Super Tuesday.   That's what I get for paying attention to Joe Biden.

A bunch of states had primaries the other day and I guess people are not that worried about Coronavirus since they all went to the polls and did their thing.   

I did not.  In California, I am a registered Independent so there is really no candidate's slate for me.  But you couldn't help but be exposed to all the nonsense and hysteria egged on by the media.   As a result, I have a host of thoughts and observations ping ponging around my cranium.   In no particular order, here's what I thought about on Tuesday as everybody was doing their "civic" duty.

Looking at social media, I don't care that you're wearing your "I Voted" sticker.  And putting one on your dog is even more ludicrous.

How bad is Elizabeth Warren that she comes in third in her own home state?

The Democrats are the party of the inclusion.   So, in short order, they excluded the following candidates:

The Hispanic one.

The two African-American ones.

All except one of the women....the last one is on fumes as we speak.

The Asian candidate.

The Gay candidate.

What was left are a couple of old White guys who have had charges of sexual impropriety held against them.

If I'm running the election, folks like Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are required to take competency exams.  At the very least, they're doing the test cops makes you do when they pull you over for DUI.

Joe Biden clearly has signs of dementia.   His presidency will be like the second term of Ronald Reagan.  The years where he couldn't find the White House bathroom and the country was being run essentially by Nancy Reagan and Merv Griffin.

Michael Bloomberg spent millions and essentially paid 12 million dollars for every one delegate he got.

Given the age of Biden, Sanders, and Trump, the VP picks are the most important ones ever in history.   We are long overdue for a President to die in office from natural causes.

If you are one of the many Millennial voters for Bernie Sanders, you clearly were not paying attention to your teachers in high school.

Only in America could candidates thrash somebody like Joe Biden unmercifully and then turn around to give him an endorsement.

Mayor Pete always sounded to me like a Norman Lear sitcom pitch from 1978.  "Small town Gay mayor runs for President."   Hire Ted McGinley for the supporting cast and I'll order 13 episodes.

I hear people mentioning Kamala Harris as Vice President material.   Look around, people in California.   Those tents all over town are not housing Boy Scouts on retreat.

The sudden craziness around Joe Biden makes me think he will be a puppet President.

Note to self: revisit "The Manchurian Candidate" again.   Not the one with that shithead Denzel....the one with Sinatra.

All of the above one-liners make me miss Johnny Carson's presence during an election cycle.  

And, in the immortal words of the old Tonight Show...
Dinner last night:  Leftover sausage gumbo.

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