Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Sunday Memory Drawer - Happy Blogday

And perhaps the last.   Oh, I'm not planning on ending this virtual collection of shenanigans any time soon.   But, given pandemics and the like, who knows from day to day?

When I first posted on March 15, 2007, who could expect that, on the same date 13 years later, we would be living in a country that is essentially closed?  

How far we've come from that March 15 which was the date that former baseball commissioner Bowie Kuhn died.

George Bush the second was President of the United States.

Nobody knew what a selfie was.

Tik Tok didn't exist.   

I had yet to write a single Sunday Memory Drawer entry.

Indeed, I had no idea that this blog would essentially be still intact and new on every single day of the calendar.

This all started because I wanted to have a daily exercise regimen of the mind.  A creative outlet to keep the juices flowing.   A baby aspirin for the imagination.  I have written gags.   I have written rants and raves.   I have essentially posted what could amount to be my own memoirs.

A good writer friend, who has since passed away during the past 13 years, used to marvel at what I do here on a daily basis.

"That's an awful lot of writing without getting paid."

True that.   But it has been my heart and my soul and my way in raising my voice.   One of the subtext reasons to start this blog is due to my inability to communicate socially.   I tend to fade into the background when dealing with three or more people at a time.   Not professionally.   Heck, I used to be able to present to large groups.  But personally, I can frequently be the invisible man.

No one can overtake my words here.   I don't have to say "um, excuse me, I have something I want to talk about."   I am here.   I am speaking.   And, unless you click through, I am heard.

At last.

So, now that this blog is a teenager, I guess it will start to grow hair in some uncommon spots.   The good news is that you won't hear a voice cracking.  It will be loud.  It will be clear.

I will continue.   See you tomorrow.

And, if you will excuse me, it's time to wash my hands.

Dinner last night:  Had a big lunch so just some ice cream.

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