Thursday, February 4, 2021

My 2021 New Year's Resolution


Admittedly, this chart is too small to read and is blurry to begin with.   But if I were you, seek it out in a Google search.  The information embedded here is very compelling...and accurate.   

You can see all the biased media journalism outlets.   I mean, we know about most of them but it's great to see it in hard copy.

The Washington Post is left leaning?  Wow.  Well, of course, it is.   Why would anybody believe anything this rag prints on the pandemic when its chairman Jeff Bezos is making a fortune off of it via the other company he owns?

And CNN is left leaning?   There's been no better validation of their slanted politics than several weeks ago.   For the past year, their screen has included this COVID death count meter.   On the day after President Biden's inauguration, the meter miraculously is gone.   So, I guess for your death due to COVID to matter, it had to happen while Trump was in office?

I have many friends who live vicariously and ridiculously in both sides of this chart.  They sit on their fat asses in front of the computer all day long and share articles "that every American must read."

Well, not me.  On January 1, 2021, I made the conscious decision of completely tuning out all broadcast media journalism, save for the weather and sports.  Goodbye, Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity and Chuck Todd and Lester Holt and Christine Amanpour.  Pass the jam.  You are now toast.  I mean, it's not like any of you are really journalists.   Indeed, every news channel today is nothing but a visual Op-Ed page.

This resolution of mine has been incredibly liberating.   I am using the free time to read a bit more and also endeavor to watch a movie a day.

But, Len, how will you know what's going on? 

Well, I do look briefly at social media but I have snoozed most of the political knuckleheads in my friend base.   If something happens that I absolutely need to know, I will count on valued chums to text me.

Like if a tsunami is going to hit Los Angeles, I sincerely hope a friend will text me....


Dinner last night:  Leftover lasagna.


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