Thursday, April 15, 2021



Surprise, surprise.   The Oscars are showing up on April 25.   In past years, I would follow all the nominees with great fervor.   This year, I didn't know they had announced the nominations until two days later.   Such is the world of post-COVID.

The other reason why I am ignored the Oscars this year is because of the generally depressing nature of most of the movies that came in 2020.   One is sadder and more dour than the last.   And we haven't even seen the pandemic-themed films hit the screen again.


Now I have caught up to a few of the nominees and "Sound of Metal" is one of them.  Again.  Sad.  Depressing.   Dour. But there were some things to like in this film, most notably the performance of Riz Ahmed as a third-rate rock band drummer Ruben Stone who suddenly and inexplicably loses his hearing.   He had been traveling around in a RV with his leading singer/girlfriend.   But when doctors tell him further playing will kill off any remaining ability to hear, she urges him to seek help in a community where no one hears.   

Ultimately, he wants to pay the 80,000 dollars for aural transplants so he works to sell his RV and win back his career and girlfriend.  But, this is Hollywood 2020-2021 so happy endings are sort of hard to come by.

Now, there are Oscar nominations embedded here, most notably for Best Picture and Best Actor.  In most Oscar seasons, Ahmed would be the sure winner here but, of course, he's not Black nor did he die of colon cancer in the past year or so.  But bleak as "Sound of Metal" is, you cannot walk away from it without marveling in the lead performance.

But what should be a hands down Oscar win here is this film's nomination for Best Sound.   All throughout, the film makers work hard to have you hear what Ruben is hearing.   From the faint noise to the mechanically altered sounds post-transplant.   They really make you feel and experience what the character is feeling and experiencing.   Indeed, for my money, it's the best part of this movie and worth a look from your perch on the post-quarantine couch.

LEN'S RATING:  Three stars.

Dinner last night:  Prime rib sandwich at Marmalade Cafe.

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