Thursday, September 5, 2024

Morons of the Month - September 2024


I remember when I was in grade school.  Regardless of how your family voted, you always had respect and borderline pride with the leadership of this country.  These were the sharpest and brightest that America had to offer.

Those were the days.   We are now in a nation that actually strives to be mediocre.  There is no greatness to be found and, frankly, none is required any more.

Our upcoming Presidential election will be the shittiest of shit shows.   And it's all happened on our watch.  How else can you explain half the country extolling the virtues of the Harris/Walz ticket when they did their first sit-down interview for the country?   If you listened to it, I hope you got the same impression.

They said nothing.   They simply pandered to what they felt the lowest level of the populace would want to hear.   There were no ideas.   No great concepts.

No greatness.

Oh, sure the word "Trump" was used repeatedly and they certainly do know the dog whistles that makes half of the pooches in America bark.   Now I'm no fan of the Orange Man, but, at least, he says something relevant.  He certainly invokes no level of greatness either.  But, compared to Harris and Walz, he's Abe Lincoln.

We are in for it, folks.   We now invite morons into our homes regularly and give them license to speak.  Indeed, my father was dead on correct when he talked about politicians.   They are only interested in three things.

1.  Getting elected.

2.  Getting lucrative jobs for their friends.

3.  Getting re-elected.

Bingo.  Bi-partisan leadership is so far down the list.  I mean, in those olden days I referenced, the two parties respected each other.   No more.

And this is now a political version of "West Side Story" with the Sharks and the Jets.   Remember what happened at the end?   Both Bernardo and Tony were dead.

Frankly, I don't know who the real morons should be this month.   The ones we elected.   Or those of us who elect them.

Dinner last night:  Sandwich.

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