Tuesday, September 17, 2024

No Awards for Award Shows


I used to look forward to them.  They used to be fun.

No more.  Award shows have become a self-conscious mess as Hollywood bends over backwards to be all things to all peoples.  The Emmys on last Sunday night were a perfect example.  They used to be all about acknowledging excellence in television.  Now the presentation is all about clicking every diverse box on your scorecard.  If there's an actor out there who is a gay Native American in a wheelchair, you should get your headshots ready.   You will win an Emmy next year.

In the middle of all this wokeness, there were cringe worthy moments by the dozen.  Candice Bergen came out to present an award and her voice sounded super frail. That didn't stop her from making a Dan Quayle comparison to JD Vance.   Okay, Quayle was thirty years ago.  And, oh, by the way, throughout the entire three hour telecast, there wasn't a single mention of the attempted Trump shooting earlier in the day.   But, at the same time, most acceptance speeches took time to remind the audience to vote this November.


They brought out cast reunions of TV Moms, TV Dads, and TV Lawyers.   Every one contained at least one Black actor and, hence, I didn't recognize most of these "classic" reunions.

There was a five minute tribute to all the Hispanic nominees and reminded us of that rich history in the TV industry.   Any mention of Desi Arnaz who started it all for them?

A gay producer got recognition for the Academy hall of fame and I started to wonder if there were any splinter groups left out.  A positive moment in the "In Memoriam" section spotlighted Bob Newhart but it was hijacked by the presented Jimmy Kimmel who has a knack for making all things about...well...Jimmy Kimmel.  

The only plus moment for me was the win of the superlative "Hacks" for Best Comedy.   Thank God because its main competition was the overrated "Bear" which features about one mini-chuckle an episode.

I could go on, but nobody listens to me.   I'm just a white guy who is super non-diverse.

Dinner last night:  Salad.

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