Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Pompatus of POTUS

As you know, I generally steer clear of political posts.  Why add to the cacophony of nonsense already charged by the lamestream media?  But, most recently, I was so utterly embarrassed for this country...I mean, my country...that I can't stay silent.

Look at the title above.  Pompatus.  A word that was once coined in Steve Miller's song, "The Joker."  The Pompatus of Love.  What exactly does pompatus mean?


And, so now, that also perfectly describes the office of the President of the United States. 

The job and the power behind it has been so abused and thoroughly mishandled over the past twenty years by both sides of the political fence that all the dignity it deserves from our Constitution has dissolved completely.

The latest and almost daily destruction happened last week on Jimmy Fallon's late night show, which garners about fourteen viewers every night on NBC.  Our current President-in-disgrace went on to court those fourteen viewers because they are younger in demographic and the type of idiot that would be likely to pull the lever for him.  The topic was student loans and, oh, yeah, here's another freebie that can be offered up to the blind leading the blinder.  It's all about getting out the vote and our current President-in-disgrace spends 85% of his workday trying to make sure he keeps the job another four years.  The other 15% is spent watching ESPN Sportscenter, but I digress. 

Needless to say, it's a tailor-made opportunity to put the word out that I'm still the guy for you, young man or young woman.

You watch and see if your stomach doesn't get into knots over this.

Does anybody see anything remotely wrong with this display?  For God's sake, this is the President of the United States.  Perhaps the most powerful man in the whole world.  Comedy jamming about a political issue.

In this regard, our current President-in-disgrace is a genius.  He is working under the premise that most of the American public is stupid and can be easily swayed by half-truths and non-facts.  Sadly, he is right.  I have often said that a voting democracy is wasted in America.  To vote for the Chief Executive, you should not only be a citizen with a photo ID but I'd also suggest that every voter be required to pass an American History examination. 

Shame, shame, shame.  On all of us.

Back when I was in school, I devoured the story of how our country was founded.  I read the Constitution.  I loved the history of the Presidency, most notably those leaders of our land post-1900.  I recognized and appreciated the dignity that the office held. 

I was not alone.  It wasn't that long ago when the television medium held political discussion in great esteem.  I can recall seeing folks like John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, and Martin Luther King appearing on talk shows with the likes of Merv Griffin and Johnny Carson.  These were certainly and usually entertainment vehicles.  But, on those occasions when guests like those mentioned above were appearing, the tenor of these shows would change.  They would be more serious.  They featured tempered and smart dialogues.  They would be given the reverence that these folks deserved.   Take a look at John F. Kennedy, in the middle of his Presidential campaign, and his appearance with Jack Paar.

You see a big difference in tone.  And respect.

But, that was a different time.  When a Presidential election was demeaned to the level of American Idol.  Who looks best?  Who sounds best?  Who makes me laugh?  Who promises to do the most for me, regardless of how ridiculous his pledges are?

I'd like to say that it's all downhill from here, gang.  But, frankly, I think we've hit the bottom of the valley already.  And there's no way back up the other side.

Eventually, we will elect Presidents like a reality TV show.  If you want Barack Obama, call this toll-free number and press "1."  If you want Mitt Romney, call this toll-free number and press "2." 

Personally, I'm glad I don't have children.  I'd hate to acknowledge the world and the country I was leaving them with.

Dinner last night:  Delmonico steak at Akasha in Culver City.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dignity does not exist at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Obama is using his children in ads to raise money. Disgusting.

He's raffling off "Dinner With Barack". Disgusting.