Tuesday, April 21, 2020

More Musings in a Pandemic World

These days, I laugh when people call me and ask what's new.


What the hell do you think is new?  We're all in the same mess regardless of time zone or hemisphere or race or religion.  We all do the best we can.  Personally and luckily, I have never been busier with work.  For that, I am grateful.  I am not a waiter or a movie theater usher or a retailer.  Those are the people for which I hope this crap is resolved sooner than later.   From both a psychological and financial standpoint, this country we live in cannot go on much further with staying in place and being quarantined.  Life needs to come back in some degree and it better happen before suicide pacts are negotiated nationwide.

Like everybody, I have thoughts throughout the day that ping pong wildly over all the dimensions of the impact from this Chinese virus.   Yes, I said Chinese. That's where it started either accidentally or intentionally.   Trust me.   If this virus started in Cleveland, it would be called the Cleveland Virus.  And that's just one thought that has gone careening through my skull.   There are others.

Suddenly, everybody is a cook.   Try and find key ingredients in your super market.  It's impossible.   There are more people now soaking up food and they have zero capability in knowing what to do with.

Have you also noticed that, as you attempt to sweep through a super market like you're on the old TV game show, there are more and more folks there who have started in their tracks to read the label on a can of peas?   You're kidding, right?

Wearing face masks as we get deeper into the warm weather months is going to be a challenge when humidity returns.   I'm just sayin."

People used to say that everything in Los Angeles is twenty minutes away.  Well, for the first time ever, this is finally true.

There has never been another time in my life where I am so disgruntled with the elected leaders, regardless of what party they are in.   I understand that there is no template for such an event as a pandemic.   But, even with this dire situation, most of these assholes are still approaching this from a politicized stance.   Jerks.  Every single one of them.   

If one more person forwards on social media another opinion from another medical "expert,"   I will go outside and let the first person I see cough on me.

I sit down every night at 7:10PM looking for a Dodger game and the sadness starts all over again.

When this is over, I hope social distancing is over.    And I also wish that's when social media distancing begins.    I have never known how many of my friends are absolute crackpots and completely devoid of any logic.

When the inevitable shooting begins, can we put that dummy who runs the World Health Organization in the front please?

I pray thanks to God every day because I have never been less than three degrees away from somebody who has the virus or succumbed to.   Hmm, I wonder if Kevin Bacon can say the same thing.

I will gladly do anything I have to do in order to walk into Dodger Stadium.   An antibody test?   A temperature gun to the forehead as I walk through the turnstile?   Be my guest.

Zoom meetings.   How about a little make-up?   Run a comb through the hair.  Put on some clothes, for Pete's sake.

Have you home-schooling parents finally figured out that your kid is a moron?

New failing business model:  being a travel vlogger.

Can we put an end to those stupid Facebook games and quizzes?  Like..name ten Hollywood celebrities you have masturbated about.

Given this is worldwide, have you given any thought that all of this is God's way of hitting the control-alt-delete on our lives.   A necessary reboot.   

I know I have come to realize how much slower our lives should be, so we can stop and smell the proverbial roses.    This pandemic has caused me to check in with friends that I have not spoken to in some time.   A few of my neighbors here have taken to having a little happy hour on the patio every Friday.  This might not have happened without this Chinese Virus.

Yes, I said it again.

This, too, will pass.   Life has given us lemons.   We could make lemonade.   As for me, why not a delicious lemon tart??

Dinner last night:  Leftover hot and sour soup and General Tso Beef.

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