Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A Dandy Vacation Idea

Want to take a vacation this summer but with limited funds due to COVID-19?  Look no further than the new emerging nation of Chaz.   P.S., it is not affiliated with Chastity/Chaz Bono or Cher.

Nevertheless, a trip to Chaz could be the most enlightening vacation you have ever had.   Haven't heard about it from your travel agent?   Well, that's because it's brand spanking new.   They just opened for business last week.
Conveniently located within six city blocks in Seattle, Washington, Chaz offers visitors with a variety of destination "must sees."  It's got something for everybody.   Like a park.   Campgrounds.   And, oh, yeah, an abandoned police station.   Yep, no pesky cop presence here.   You can safely visit Chaz without having to worry about being unjustly arrested.
Now that's not to say you are completely unprotected.   There is a citizen's brigade for your comfort and safety.  And yes, they will likely shoot to kill anybody who disrupts the calm and quiet of Chaz.
Indeed, any one can enter Chaz if they so chose.   There's just one stipulation. If you are Caucasian, you must present a ten dollar bill to a Black person.   How economical is that?
In Chaz, you can pass the time by reading and admiring the graffiti in the streets.
Or simply sit around and meditate AKA do nothing.   You see, all of Chaz's inhabitants are unemployed losers.   Equality prevails.   Everybody in Chaz is a jerk.
You can admire how Chaz, in its infancy, has totally adopted an agricultural platform.   If it's cannabis you want to grow, Chaz provides you with fertile ground to do so.
Or you can simply admire the sights and sounds, along with this impromptu stage rendition of "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg."
Of course, if you have any of the above, please bring them yourselves as Chaz is having some initial difficulties keeping their shelves stocked.   As an emerging entity, Chaz is still dependent totally on the city of Seattle to provide them with needed supplies...and bathrooms.   Luckily, the Mayor of Seattle, some knucklehead named Jenny Durkan, is happy to comply.  Because Jenny gets it. She has said that Chaz came to be not because of terrorism, but because of patriotism.

Uh huh.

So, if you are stuck for a fun vacation this summer, please consider Chaz.
Where all are welcome.   As long as you all have the same ideas and thought processes of its founding fathers and mothers.

Dinner last night:  Leftover Chinese food.

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