Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Musings Of The Crisis Du Jour

Isn't that what life is like these days?   For regular, normal, law abiding people, it's exhausting as we meander from one social media-generated frenzy to another.   

Just as it appeared we were getting out from under Dr. Fauci-itis or whatever number COVID we were infected with, we wind up with another catastrophe.  A truly horrific moment of a cop killing an innocent Black man in Minneapolis and we are treated to another two weeks of rioting, curfews, and isolation.

Truly, during the pandemic, I managed to keep a positive outlook.  Unlike 30 million other Americans around me, I kept my employment.  I managed to be healthy throughout.  The only minimal impact on my life was a lack of options in my leisure hours, most notably the absence of baseball.  

But once the sequel to the Rodney King riots took hold, my pleasant demeanor vanished like David Blaine.  The sights and sounds and endless news bites from almost gleeful reporters were so numbing that I actually felt depressed.   It was terrible that it all began.   It was even more disastrous that it kept going.  And going.

And going.

It was enough to wish that my super market mask covered my eyes, not just my mouth and nose.

As I sifted through the mental carnage of my psyche, I began to wonder about all sorts of things that I was seeing.

---I thought we were all supposed to be social distancing.   So why are people gleefully in public forums shoulder-to-shoulder.   With droplets in the air aplenty.

---Looking at the replay of Rodney King, did anybody else notice the getaway cars being used by those taking fifty pairs of Converse sneakers home?   They were all high end automobiles.   Escalades.  Lexuses.   Town cars that you might take to an airport.   Where did the money come for these?   And I don't think White supremacists have that kind of cash.

---Despite the fact that the Sheriff of LA himself said that they traced some of the cars to Antifa, people kept saying the Klu Klux Klan was inciting the riots.

---I'm old enough to know this.   Peaceful protests never finish that way.

---Did stores schedule special hours for senior citizen looters?

---For somebody who hasn't paid taxes in maybe two decades, Al Sharpton sure does like to bitch about the country he lives in.

---The First Amendment is great as long as everybody says the same thing.

---How stupid are all those people who can't figure out the difference between the words "systemic" and "systematic?"

---There were protests and marches every day last week.   Did everybody take vacation days at the same time?

---The fact that Bill DeBlasio exists is the only reason why Eric Garcetti is not officially the dumbest mayor in America.  But he is a close second.

---Were you secretly wishing that the rioting in San Francisco would prevent Nancy Pelosi from getting her regular designer ice cream delivery?

---Are some of these left wing radicals not realizing that every broken store window is probably a vote for Donald Trump in November?

---The "unfollow" and "snooze" buttons on Facebook are your best friends.

---There's an awful lot of preaching on social media from people who probably haven't gone to worship in years.

---How come nobody loots a 99 Cents Store?

---Joan Rivers was right when she said the safest store to own during a riot is Barnes and Nobles.

---Where was Hillary Clinton through all of this?  In Hollywood starting her campaign to get Emmy nominated for that dopey Hulu documentary she produced about...well...herself.

---Now if you lost a loved one during this pandemic, you could not have a gathering or a memorial service.  So, how come George Floyd got not one, not two, but three public send-offs??

---If you signed onto Netflix last week, the welcome screen presented you with a choice of African American-based documentaries.   Talk about coercion.

---The most sober musing of all.   I spoke to a work associate yesterday who told me about her family's harrowing week.   You see, her husband is a Los Angeles policeman.   He was spat upon multiple times.   Shoved multiple times.   Told to "fuck off" regularly.   All of this during so-called "peaceful protests."   He is now rethinking his career choice.

There!   I got that off my chest.  I feel a little better now.   I can't wait to see what the lords of the universe have for us next.   Locusts?  Frogs falling from the sky?  Another season of "The Bachelorette?"

Dinner last night:  Leftover Chinese food.

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