Thursday, June 4, 2020

Morons of the Month - June 2020

Again, the monthly idiots are all among us.  Thanks to the pandemic and last weekend's violence, we have let the disastrous political parties that govern America lead us to another sheep holocaust.  Let's face it.   Political organizations in this country are nothing more than gangsters without the Italian pasta and pastries.  We do what they say.   We believe every word out of their mouths.   Whether you sit on the right or left side of the aisle, you gleefully raise their pennants regardless of how inept they are.

But, the upcoming Presidential election provides perhaps the most sinister plot yet, this one crafted by the scummy and two-faced Democrats.  It's a clever one but, frankly, not a new one.   All you have to do is look back at the 1962 movie pictured above.   (And please consider the original one and not the dreadful remake that starred well-known shithead Denzel Washington).  

Folks, it's all playing out exactly as that film did.   A syndicate dictating who the next Presidential candidate would be and stopping at nothing to get their way.

So, it appears that Joe Biden will be the Democratic candidate for President in 2020 versus Donald Trump.  Forget the fact that Biden is as crooked as they come.   Or as doddering as the most senior and dementia-ridden resident of your local nursing home.   Most of the time, he is obedient and says what he is told to say.   Without cue cards, he is as inept as the newest cast member on SNL.

Of course, there is precedent for this kind of President.  Ronald Reagan was in no shape for the Oval Office during his second term as his dementia was starting to kick in.   Back then, the country was run by his handlers fronted by Merv Griffin and Nancy Reagan's astrologer.   

The Democrats know this and plan to stage their own variation of this plot line.  In effect, Biden is clearly being managed by a slew of Edgar Bergens putting words into this Charlie McCarthy's mouth.  I would not be surprised if that inner circle doesn't include #44, another in a long line of crummy Presidents.

So you would say that this would mean the Vice Presidential pick here is ultra-important.   I thought so...for a while.   Now I believe that's even immaterial to the Democratic Cosa Nostra, who will simply choose someone for marketing purposes.  Joe Biden has already "said" that he will pick a woman to be his running mate.   

The possible selections?

Stacey Abrams, that fat lesbian porn novelist from Georgia.

That dumbbell governor from Michigan, unless, of course, she's the victim of a lynch mob before Election Day.

Kamala Harris, the disastrous senator from California.

They could easily pick one of these idiots because they click on the boxes.  Female, check.   Diverse, check.

These clowns won't be in charge either in the event that the 25th Amendment is invoked during a Biden administration as I expect it will.  The Veep Who Would Be President will simply be another conduit for the political syndicate in place.   
Think this is crazy?  Think this is impossible?   Think this is a conspiracy theory?   

Check out the movie, fellow moron.

Dinner last night:  Grilled bratwurst and salad.

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