Tuesday, June 4, 2024

I'm Tired

 I hear you loud clear, Madelyn.   I still love your wonderful number from "Blazing Saddles."

And I feel your fatigue.

Cue up my latest pity partay.

Close friends know that I have endured two knee replacement surgeries within the last year.   Progress on the first one was quick.   Less so for the second one which still has me on a cane and moving slower than Uncle Joe at "Petticoat Junction."

But I have kept on the physical therapy and still trying to press on with life.  One of the latter involved my current trip to NY.   Specifically, last Saturday saw me scheduled for an anniversary brunch on Long Island and then followed by a nighttime wedding reception of a good friend's daughter in Rye.  

Back in the day, this would have been a snapperaroo.  But this year, in post surgical Len, not so much.  The typical NY summer beach traffic on the Island saw me driving for 2 and a half hours to the brunch.   Two hours later, I was back behind the wheel of my rental car and facing one hour and forty five minutes to the wedding.

That's four plus hours of driving.   And keeping a conflicted right knee in one solid driving position which is a PT no no.  By the time I got to the gorgeous wedding venue, I could enjoy nothing as I couldn't stand for more than five minutes at one time.   

My legs weren't in pain.  They were just plain....well, Madelyn...tired.

So much for spending time on the wedding dance floor, which is always something I love.  I was Grandpa on the sidelines.   And not happy.

More driving got me to my lodging and taking my suit and tie off was a chore.  

I was still...tired.  

I got to bed around one AM and the fatigue of my legs actually kept me awake.  Indeed, I didn't fall asleep until we were approaching sun up around 530AM.  And that found me sound asleep until....gasp...130PM.   A wonderful day in NY and I barely left the apartment.

I know this situation will ultimately improve.  Frankly, it has to.  Because...

I'm still tired.

Dinner last night:  SPO at Carlo's.

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