Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Moron of the Month - June 2024

 This is Jamaal Bowman and he is the House representative for lower Westchester, NY and the Bronx.

And, yes, he is a moron.  A super big one.  But, first, a story of how this Los Angeles resident became aware of his stupidity.

When I traveled to NY last week, I was struck by the number of lawn signage devoted to the guy running in the upcoming primary to unseat Bowman.  Longtime Westchester politician George Latimer is vying for the job.

And I know George.

Years and years ago when I lived on Fifteenth Avenue in Mt. Vernon, George was a year ahead of me in school and living on Fourteenth Avenue.  We became friends.  George even had me and my neighborhood best bud Leo play in his table hockey tournament.

George went to Fordham and one year later so did I.  For a while, George worked in the news department of WFUV the college radio station.  I joined the Friday night team and George ran the show.  He is the one who got me to deal with my self consciousness and actually go on the air.  Every Friday night, after the show, he and I took the bus home together.

Latimer left the station to pursue more political paths and did so.   He ultimately got elected to the County Legislator seat of Westchester.

So, flash forward after years of not being in touch, it turns out George and I wound up at the same Mt. Vernon High School event.  I saw George and went up to say hello.

His terse reply?

"Hey, good to see ya."   And watched away.  I had gotten the politician's response.  Ignored.  Maybe he knew I didn't have a vote here.  Anyway, it was confusing and insulting.

This brings me to 2024 and George's many yard signs.   Would I vote for him if I lived here?   Angry still, I probably wouldn't.  Indeed, a good friend of mine sports a yard sign pushing Bowman.  I became curious enough in this election to watch a televised debate the candidates took part in several weeks.

Truth be told, George wiped the floor with Bowman.  What an idiot.  The very first thing out of his mouth was how January 6 was his first day in Congress and he witnessed multiple killings.


The Democrats liked to say this was a bloody day but, in reality, just one person died.  And she was that innocent Trump supporter and nobody knows to this day who shot her.

The rest of the debate was comedic.  Whenever Bowman couldn't answer a simple question, he exclaimed "Oh, I'm just the angry Black man."

Puh-leze.  Bowman embodies the worst of every politician.  Especially when you look at my hometown of Mount Vernon, it resembles a public toilet at the bus station at 3AM.

So, I guess I would vote for George if I could.

If only he had given me a friendlier hello.

Dinner last night:  Long day of air travel.

1 comment:

Puck said...

Actually, the name of the guy who murdered Ashli Babbitt is well known. He is Lt. Michael Byrd of the U.S. Capitol Police.