Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Hand Up The Back


If somebody wrote a textbook about the Muppets, this would be the film version of that.  EVERYTHING you ever wanted to know about these characters are found in this linear and very clinical documentary directed by Ron Howard.

Speaking of which, let's give Ron a big round of applause for morphing into a documentarian and providing us with some very recent and compelling films of that genre.   There is no smarter film maker at work these days.  Kudos.

But, in the case of this particular film, it's all Jim Henson all the time.  You follow his career one felt puppet at a time. From local TV to Sesame Street to movies to...well, you name it.

Now if you are looking for salacious stories about Jim Henson, this is not your venue.   His kids are very much involved and you won't get idle gossip about the guy, even though he was allegedly a marital philanderer.  Nope, this is as white washed as it comes.

I would also have liked to know more about his untimely death at 53.  Supposedly, he was one of those people who didn't see a doctor for religious reasons.  If that's the case, I would have liked to have known more.

But if you are looking for a step-by-step creation of the Muppets, this is the movie for you.  It is totally entertaining, even though it's slightly lacking for yours truly.

LEN'S RATING:  Three and-a-half stars.

Dinner last night:  Korean fried chicken at the Cheesecake Factory.

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