Thursday, January 21, 2021

Messing With Lucy


Well, amid all the other problems of the world, this dominated peoples' lives last week.  Inexplicably.  

You might have seen the story.   Aaron Sorkin is writing and directing a biopic on Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz.   It allegedly follows a production week of "I Love Lucy" and some tempests in their marriage.   Javier Bardem is playing Desi.  Nicole Kidman will play Lucille Ball.

And then's when the Earth shook...

Okay, as far as I am concerned, I am sick to death of seeing Nicole Kidman in every movie made.   Like the seemingly ever present Meryl Streep and Reese Witherspoon, Kidman has no clue how to say "no."

Now, apparently, others feel the same way at least with regard to this Lucille Ball casting.   Because the internet broke under the burden of hysteria activated by the fans of an actress who they feel is the only logical choice to play Lucy.

Debra Messing.

And that subsequently activates my gag reflex.   

Despite the fact that Messing is allegedly an absolute bitch-and-a-half (please weigh in, Megan Mullaly), her acting ability is the equivalent of an anvil dropped from a 500-foot-tall building.  She clearly was the weakest link on the "Will and Grace" mess.

But, in their last season, they did a tribute to "I Love Lucy" and Messing impersonated Lucy in several scenes.   The key word is "impersonated" and she did so with all the gusto of a SNL sketch.   This was not acting.   This was an embarrassment.  And, as much as I hate the idea of such a movie, it probably needs an actress and not a sketch "comedienne."  Messing is hardly the latter and definitely not the former.

Yet, using social media, this box of rocks fanned the flames of this horrific injustice.   And her fans followed suit like the rats leaving Hamelin.  

Here's another non-talent that I can't wait for us to be rid of.  

Indeed, amidst all this drama, the real Judas Iscariot in this piece is Lucie Arnaz.  She once was a talent I used to admire.   But, once the work dried up, she sits on top of the rights to her parents' legacy and sells it out regularly for a few pieces of silver.   She's the one who allowed the "Will and Grace" knuckleheads to use some scenes verbatim without crediting the original writers.   And she's the one who has given the blessing to Aaron Sorkin for this soon-to-be debacle.

The sooner they all are removed from our sight lines, the better.

Dinner last night:  Beef knockwurst.

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